catching wx.EVT_MOTION on a wx.MediaCtrl

I have a program where I want to catch all of the mouse events of a panels children. To do this I have been using the following code.

    self.panel.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.onLeftClick)
    self.panel.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.onMouseMove)
    map(lambda child: wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN(child, self.onLeftClick), self.panel.GetChildren())
    map(lambda child: wx.EVT_MOTION(child, self.onMouseMove), self.panel.GetChildren())

This seems to work for the wx.Button and the wx.TextCtrl but not the wx.MediaCtrl. I have included the full text of my code below. Any help on this would be appreciated,

this is to test the usefullness of gridbagsizer and moving items within it

import wx

class myFrame(wx.Frame):
def init(self, parent, mytitle, mysize):
wx.Frame.init(self, parent, wx.ID_ANY, mytitle, size=mysize)
self.panel = wx.Panel(self, -1, size=mysize)
self.sizer = wx.GridBagSizer(0, 0)
self.sizer.SetDimension(0, 0, mysize[0], mysize[1])

    #creat media player display panel
        []( =, style=wx.SIMPLE_BORDER,, id=3224, size=(400, 400))
    except NotImplementedError:

    #creat test button and txtField
    self.testButton = wx.Button(self.panel, 2522, "the test button", size = (100,40))
    self.debugTxt = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel, -1, size=(150, 40))

    #Add elements to the sizer
    baseCell = self.sizer.GetEmptyCellSize()
    self.sizer.Add([](, (1,1), wx.GBSpan(20, 40), flag=wx.EXPAND)
    self.sizer.Add(self.testButton, (1, 50), wx.GBSpan(2, 10))
    self.sizer.Add(self.debugTxt, (4, 50), wx.GBSpan(2, 10))

    #Set up event bindings
    self.panel.Bind(wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN, self.onLeftClick)
    self.panel.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.onMouseMove)
    map(lambda child: wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN(child, self.onLeftClick), self.panel.GetChildren())
    map(lambda child: wx.EVT_MOTION(child, self.onMouseMove), self.panel.GetChildren())


    self.changingObject = None
    self.clickAction = 0

def onMouseMove(self, evt):
    # determine if the mouse is over an item and change the mouse cursur accordingly
    if evt.GetEventObject().GetId() == self.panel.GetId():
        thePosition = (0,0)
        theSize = evt.GetEventObject().GetSize()
        widthPercent = theSize.GetWidth()/10
        heightPercent = theSize.GetHeight()/10
        thePosition = evt.GetEventObject().GetPosition()
        theSize = evt.GetEventObject().GetSize()
        widthPercent = theSize.GetWidth()/5
        heightPercent = theSize.GetHeight()/5
        if (evt.GetX() > theSize.GetWidth() - widthPercent) and (evt.GetY() > theSize.GetHeight() - heightPercent):

    self.debugTxt.AppendText("x: %d y: %d" % (evt.GetX()+thePosition[0], evt.GetY()+thePosition[1]))
    # if a an item is clicked and dragged choose performe the correct click action
    if self.changingObject != None and evt.Dragging():
        if self.clickAction == 1:
            self.expandItem(self.changingObject, self.sizer, evt.GetX()+thePosition[0], evt.GetY()+thePosition[1])
        elif self.clickAction == 2:
            self.setItemByPoint(self.changingObject, self.sizer, evt.GetX()+thePosition[0], evt.GetY()+thePosition[1])
    # if dragging has stopped set changing object to none
    if self.changingObject != None and not evt.Dragging():
        self.changingObject = None

def onLeftClick(self, evt):
    # Check if an item is being selected and set the clickAction so
    # onMouseMove can select between moving or expanding the object.
    if evt.GetEventObject().GetId() != self.panel.GetId():
        self.changingObject = self.sizer.FindItem(evt.GetEventObject())
        thePosition = evt.GetEventObject().GetPosition()
        theSize = evt.GetEventObject().GetSize()
        widthPercent = theSize.GetWidth()/5
        heightPercent = theSize.GetHeight()/5
        if (evt.GetX() > theSize.GetWidth() - widthPercent) and (evt.GetY() > theSize.GetHeight() - heightPercent):
            self.clickAction = 1
            self.clickAction = 2

def setItemByPoint(self, item, theSizer, xPos, yPos):
    baseCell = theSizer.GetEmptyCellSize()
    destinationRowStart = yPos/baseCell.GetHeight()
    destinationColStart = xPos/baseCell.GetWidth()

    for i in theSizer.GetChildren():
        startPos = i.GetPos()
        endPos = i.GetEndPos()
        if i.GetWindow().GetId() == item.GetWindow().GetId():
        if i.IntersectsPos(wx.GBPosition(destinationRowStart, destinationColStart), item.GetSpan()):
    item.SetPos(wx.GBPosition(destinationRowStart, destinationColStart))
def expandItem(self, item, theSizer, xPos, yPos):
    baseCell = theSizer.GetEmptyCellSize()
    destinationRowStart = item.GetPos().GetRow()
    destinationColStart = item.GetPos().GetCol()
    rowSpan = item.GetSpan().GetRowspan()
    colSpan = item.GetSpan().GetColspan()
    oldXpos = item.GetWindow().GetPosition()[0]
    oldYpos = item.GetWindow().GetPosition()[1]
    width = item.GetWindow().GetSize().GetWidth()
    height = item.GetWindow().GetSize().GetHeight()

    if oldXpos > xPos:
        self.debugTxt.AppendText(" crec")
        destinationColStart = xPos/baseCell.GetWidth()
        colSpan = item.GetEndPos().GetCol() - destinationColStart
        width = width + (oldXpos - xPos)
        colSpan = (xPos - oldXpos)/baseCell.GetWidth()
        width = xPos - oldXpos

    if oldYpos > yPos:
        self.debugTxt.AppendText(" rrec")
        destinationRowStart = yPos/baseCell.GetHeight()
        rowSpan = item.GetEndPos().GetRow() - destinationRowStart
        height = height + (oldYpos - yPos)
        rowSpan = (yPos - oldYpos)/baseCell.GetHeight()
        height = yPos - oldYpos
    if colSpan <= 0:
    if rowSpan <= 0:

    for i in theSizer.GetChildren():
        startPos = i.GetPos()
        endPos = i.GetEndPos()
        if i.GetWindow().GetId() == item.GetWindow().GetId():
        if i.IntersectsPos(wx.GBPosition(destinationRowStart, destinationColStart), wx.GBSpan(rowSpan, colSpan)):
    self.debugTxt.AppendText(" h: %d w: %d" % (height, width))
    item.SetSpan(wx.GBSpan(rowSpan, colSpan))
    item.SetPos(wx.GBPosition(destinationRowStart, destinationColStart))
    # The child window will reset itself to the initial size on a Layout call.
    # So use SetInitialSize instead of setSize
    item.GetWindow().SetInitialSize(wx.Size(baseCell.GetWidth() * item.GetSpan().GetColspan(), baseCell.GetHeight() * item.GetSpan().GetRowspan()))

app = wx.App(0)
mytitle = “Test GridBagSizer”

create a MyFrame instance and show the frame

myFrame(None, mytitle, wx.DisplaySize()).Show()


“A government big enough to give us everything we want is a government big enough to take from us everything we have.”
-Gerald Ford