Can a GridBagSizer row be highlighted and have an event attached?

that can easily be change as Python can readily be read down (although I consider this standard) :star_struck:

    def swap_rows(self, row1, row0=None):
        Swap any two rows in a GridBagSizer.
        if row0 is None and self.row_selected is not None:
            row0 = self.row_selected

        def str_int(row):
            if not isinstance(row, str|int):
                return -1
            if isinstance(row, str):
                row = int(row) if row.isnumeric() else -1
            if row < 0 or row > self.GetRows() - 1:
                row = -1
            return row

        if (row0 := str_int(row0)) < 0 or (row1 := str_int(row1)) < 0:
        # swap
        # self.deselect()
        self.row_selected = row1
        w0 = []
        w1 = []