I have been using python for last one year for my personal projects and
have missed a complete solution under one roof.
Thanks and Regards,
Mayank Johri
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Ph: 212.670.3076
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of C M
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 3:48 PM
To: Carl Shannon;
Subject: Re: [wxpython-users] building a new app
On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Carl Shannon <> wrote:
I'm building a new application, 25 screens, medium to high complexity.
There will be drag and drop functionality on a Gant chart, for example.
I'm new to Python, and have read many rave reviews on its simplicity.
I've found otherwise, and haven't found a tool which allows for RAD.
Does anyone know of any product or tool that allows for RAD? BOA is as
good as i've found, but compared to Visual Studio its still closer to
text editing. Sorry if i've offended anyone.
There's this:
And add to that wxGlade and some others.
Re: Boa. What version are you using, and on what platform? I haven't
(really) used Visual Studio's designer, but I find Boa a really good
way to go for designing/building GUIs in wxPython. But understanding
working with it makes all the difference! If you have an old version
or are struggling on Linux, these things can be helped.
wxpython-users mailing list
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