I am working on a project that requires a fairly extensive UI, and
while Matlab is great for computation, the UI - not so much. What I'd
like to do is create a python-based UI (x-platform) that can drive
compiled matlab routines. I need matlab in particular due to the
libraries, so psipy / sage, etc. won't work for me in this case. Has
anyone done this, and if so, can you point me to resources that might
help me get going?
Obviously, I meant scipy. Freudian thing, don't you know.
On Jun 27, 7:04 pm, Keith <klancaster1...@mac.com> wrote:
I am working on a project that requires a fairly extensive UI, and
while Matlab is great for computation, the UI - not so much. What I'd
like to do is create a python-based UI (x-platform) that can drive
compiled matlab routines. I need matlab in particular due to the
libraries, so psipy / sage, etc. won't work for me in this case. Has
anyone done this, and if so, can you point me to resources that might
help me get going?
I am working on a project that requires a fairly extensive UI, and
while Matlab is great for computation, the UI - not so much. What I'd
like to do is create a python-based UI (x-platform) that can drive
compiled matlab routines. I need matlab in particular due to the
libraries, so psipy / sage, etc. won't work for me in this case. Has
anyone done this, and if so, can you point me to resources that might
help me get going?
Wouldn't LabView fit ?
From what I heard it has a fluently interface with MatLab.
(But from my personal point of view, it would be very nice to have
Python GUI for MatLab,
because it makes it easier for people to switch)
I’ll take a look at it. The ultimate goal is to distrubute the software to medical professionals, so I’m not sure about
licensing for LabView.
On Jun 28, 2009, at 3:41 AM, Stef Mientki wrote:
Wouldn’t LabView fit ?
From what I heard it has a fluently interface with MatLab.
(But from my personal point of view, it would be very nice to have
Python GUI for MatLab,
because it makes it easier for people to switch)
I am working on a project that requires a fairly extensive UI, and
while Matlab is great for computation, the UI - not so much. What I'd
like to do is create a python-based UI (x-platform) that can drive
compiled matlab routines. I need matlab in particular due to the
libraries, so psipy / sage, etc. won't work for me in this case. Has
anyone done this, and if so, can you point me to resources that might
help me get going?
Wouldn't LabView fit ?
From what I heard it has a fluently interface with MatLab.
(But from my personal point of view, it would be very nice to have
Python GUI for MatLab,
because it makes it easier for people to switch)
of Matlab and Python:
1) Use one of the Matlab-Python bridge libraries written in Python:
(a) Via COM:
3) Compile the Matlab functions/libraries in a dll using mcc and call
them using ctypes in Python;
4) Compile the Matlab functions/libraries in an executable using mcc
and use subprocess to communicate with them (or with a file-based
All these approaches have their own drawbacks (as I have heavily
experienced up to now for options 2 to 4). Automatic translators are
still waaaaaaay too in the early stages to be able to convert anythyng
but the simplest Matlab scripts. Compilation using mcc is somehow
problematic if you are using Matlab > 6.5, as starting from Matlab 7
on you need to redistribute a "Matlab Runtime Something"
self-installing executable which is about 200 MB in size, can not be
posted on the web for free download and causes your compiled dlls/exes
to have a startup time of about 15 minutes. The best solution I have
found so far is to stick with Matlab 6.5 (which generates small
executables and doesn't need the big installer), compile the m-files
in a dll or exe and call them from Python.
Other than that, if the days were of 48 hours each, I would like to
try the approach (1) and see how far I could go with that, Obviously
approach (1) requires that you (or the people you distribute the
software to) have Matlab installed on your system.
In any case, I usually stick with Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib/VTK/F2Py for
everything scientific-related: the only reason I am using compiled
Matlab routines is that Global/Local optimization libraries are
usually available as Matlab source code, and I found that
scipy/OpenOpt are quite lacking in this respect.
Thanks for the great response! I'd love to build the app using Numpy,etc. and skip Matlab, but part of the requirements are that researchers can
write code in matlab that takes advantage of the libraries and plug it into the app.
I'm on Matlab 2008a at the moment, so it sounds like I'm in for it no matter what :-(.
Keith Lancaster
On Jun 30, 2009, at 7:41 AM, Andrea Gavana wrote:
From my experience, there are very few options regarding the coupling
of Matlab and Python:
In any case, I usually stick with Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib/VTK/F2Py for
everything scientific-related: the only reason I am using compiled
Matlab routines is that Global/Local optimization libraries are
usually available as Matlab source code, and I found that
scipy/OpenOpt are quite lacking in this respect.
FYI - I think mlabwrap would fit under "(c)". http://mlabwrap.sourceforge.net/
It may be more seamless than PyMat; although there is apparently some
issue with 2008a. (mlabwrap v1.1)
On Jun 30, 7:41 am, Andrea Gavana <andrea.gav...@gmail.com> wrote:
From my experience, there are very few options regarding the coupling
of Matlab and Python:
testing - i responded adding something about mlabwrap ... but i am not
seeing the response... is there some kind of lag when using google
groups to post?
testing - i responded adding something about mlabwrap ... but i am not
seeing the response... is there some kind of lag when using google
groups to post?
Only if you've never posted to the group before. First posts need to be approved by a human, to help make sure that you are a human.
On Jul 4, 4:08 pm, Robin Dunn <ro...@alldunn.com> wrote:
Tom K. wrote:
> testing - i responded adding something about mlabwrap ... but i am not
> seeing the response... is there some kind of lag when using google
> groups to post?
Only if you've never posted to the group before. First posts need to be
approved by a human, to help make sure that you are a human.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsmanhttp://wxPython.org