build-wxwidgets relocated, build script cannot find it


in the mercurial tip, the script has been moved
from build/tools to wx/build/tools. But the script
cannot find it, and raises the exception ImportError: No module named


Double check your WXWIN environment variable. If should be set to the full path to the wx folder.


On 12/7/10 1:32 AM, l.allulli wrote:


in the mercurial tip, the script has been moved
from build/tools to wx/build/tools. But the script
cannot find it, and raises the exception ImportError: No module named

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman

Thanks for the answer. But it didn’t work.

I managed to build wxPython without setting WXWIN, according to directions in But I could not build the latest hg snapshot, even with the variable set.


Which platform?

What commands do you use?

What are the error messages?

What are the first dozen or so lines of the output from the build?


On 12/9/10 2:07 AM, l.allulli wrote:

Thanks for the answer. But it didn't work.

I managed to build wxPython without setting WXWIN, according to
directions in Phoenix/README.rst at master · wxWidgets/Phoenix · GitHub. But I could not build
the latest hg snapshot, even with the variable set.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman

Which platform?

Windows XP, Python 2.7, MSVC 2008 Express

What commands do you use?

cd “c:\Documents and Settings\allulll\Desktop\wxpython-hg\wxPython”
set WXWIN=“C:\Documents and Settings\allulll\Desktop\wxpython-hg\wx”
python --build_dir=…/bld

What are the error messages?

ImportError: No module named build-wxwidgets

What are the first dozen or so lines of the output from the build?

old_options = [‘–build_dir=…/bld’]
sys.argv = [‘–build_dir=…/bld’]
wxWidgets directory is: “C:\Documents and Settings\allulll\Desktop\wxpython-hg\wx”
ERROR: failed building wxWidgets
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 327, in
wxbuild = import(‘build-wxwidgets’)
ImportError: No module named build-wxwidgets


Try moving the source tree to a path that does not have spaces in the name. It may be that something is not quoting the path names correctly and it is getting interpreted as multiple arguments instead of one when the command is executed.


On 12/13/10 6:41 AM, Luca Allulli wrote:

    Which platform?

Windows XP, Python 2.7, MSVC 2008 Express

    What commands do you use?

cd "c:\Documents and Settings\allulll\Desktop\wxpython-hg\wxPython"
set WXWIN="C:\Documents and Settings\allulll\Desktop\wxpython-hg\wx"
python --build_dir=../bld

    What are the error messages?

ImportError: No module named build-wxwidgets

    What are the first dozen or so lines of the output from the build?

old_options = ['--build_dir=../bld']
sys.argv = ['--build_dir=../bld']
wxWidgets directory is: "C:\Documents and
ERROR: failed building wxWidgets
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 327, in <module>
wxbuild = __import__('build-wxwidgets')
ImportError: No module named build-wxwidgets

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman