Hi everyone and Congratulations Robin!
It's great news that you will start working on the MacOS X version of wxPython/wxWindows, this we're really looking forward to!
We have tried to run our application under MacOS X (Jaguar) and it seems to be running fine, except for some "small" problems.
I've here collected a list of the problems we found and I hope this could be of some use for you. I also attached a tarball with some short example scripts showing the problems.
examples.tar (20 KB)
General Problems:
- After scrolling the screen does not always refresh properly,
eg. scrolling a wxGrid or a wxListCtrl shows this problem.
- If you during runtime change the bitmap on the button it will not
show the new bitmap until you do a manual refresh call.
- The wxButton.SetForegroundColour does not work at all, and the
wxButton.SetBackgroundColour does not set the background colour of
the button but on the background behind the button (ugly!).
- Appending choices to a combobox after initialization does not work,
i.e. the new choice does not show up
- Calling wxFrame.CentreOnScreen() when the frame size is set to very
big will cause the frame system menu to be hidden underneath the
mac menu.
- EVT_MENU event IsChecked method always returns 1.
- After adding a page to the notebook and selecting it you again have
to manually call wxNotebook.Refresh to see the new panel inside the
- If you add more pages than the size of the notebook allowes you will
not get scroll buttons (like you do on eg. wxGTK) but the pages are
just drawn on the side of the notebook and you can't select them.
- The wxNB_LEFT, wxNB_RIGHT or the wxNB_BOTTOM styles do not work.
- Adding a new page to the notebook with
wxNotebook.AddPage(p, l, selection) and selection is set 1 does not
select the new page . Note! When calling wxNotebook.SetSelection()
afterwards still keeps the focus on the old page but the new
selected page is shown.
- Is probably not implemented?!
- Calling wxSpinCtrl.Show(true) will disable the widget, even
calling a wxSpinCtrl.Enable(true) afterwards does not help!
- A wxTimer.IsRunning() call does not give you the correct result
if your timer interval is short i.e. the system load is high.
Jan Finell Cenix Bioscience GmbH
Software Engineer Pfotenhauerstr. 108
IT Unit 01307 Dresden, Germany
Tel. +49 (351) 210 2683
Fax +49 (351) 210 1309