Binding two event to two COMBOBOX

I hava two combobox cb1 et cb2.I want to assgin to those combobox two
different event.when i select an item from cb1 print x will be
executed .But when i select an item from cb2 a print y will be
executed.My problem is for all the items of cb1 and cb2.allaways print
x is excuted. :\
this is my code:
import wx
class maissa(wx.Frame):
  MyList = []
  l2 = []
  def __init__(self,parent,id):
    # self.cb = wx.ComboBox(panel, 500, "Les taches", (20, 60), (161,
21), maissa.MyList,wx.CB_DROPDOWN)#| wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER| wx.CB_SORT)
    self.cb1 = wx.ComboBox(panel, 500, "Parents", (60, 60), (161, 20),
maissa.liste_parent,wx.CB_DROPDOWN)#| wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER| wx.CB_SORT)
    self.cb2 = wx.ComboBox(panel, 500, "Fils", (248, 60), (141, 20),
maissa.liste_fils,wx.CB_DROPDOWN)#| wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER| wx.CB_SORT)
    self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnSelect,self.cb1)
    self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnSelect2,self.cb2)
  def OnSelect(self, event):
    self.item = event.GetSelection()
    print 'y'
  def OnSelect2(self,event):
    print "x"
    self.item = event.GetSelection()
    # print ">>",self.item
if __name__=='__main__':

Some one could help...???

You are using the same ID for each widget. Give them different IDs, or use wx.ID_ANY (-1) to tell the widget to create its own unique ID.


On 5/6/11 11:14 AM, ab wrote:

I hava two combobox cb1 et cb2.I want to assgin to those combobox two
different event.when i select an item from cb1 print x will be
executed .But when i select an item from cb2 a print y will be
executed.My problem is for all the items of cb1 and cb2.allaways print
x is excuted. :\
this is my code:

    self.cb1 = wx.ComboBox(panel, 500, "Parents", (60, 60), (161, 20),
maissa.liste_parent,wx.CB_DROPDOWN)#| wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER| wx.CB_SORT)
    self.cb2 = wx.ComboBox(panel, 500, "Fils", (248, 60), (141, 20),
maissa.liste_fils,wx.CB_DROPDOWN)#| wx.TE_PROCESS_ENTER| wx.CB_SORT)

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman