Hi Che,
Hello. I'm attempting to make widgets with labels look good and work
well while sitting on panels that have a gradient background.
Specifically, I would like to get the following three conditions to
work compatibly, cross platform:
(1) widgets with labels (static text) next to them (such as wx.Choice
with a label next to it).
(2) able to bind the static text to an event handler, so that mousing
over it focuses the widget.
(3) the label must *not have a background*, such that a gradient that
the panel it sits on shows through.
I'd been using (1) + (3) to draw (non-interactive) text on gradients,
but now I thought it might be nice to allow that text to serve as
additional "hit area" for a widget it labels. Getting conditions (1)
+ (2) are fine--I'm stuck once I include (3). I can draw text over a
gradient where the wxStaticText was, but then I don't know how to make
it such that I can bind events to that drawn text--and I'm not sure
that's possible. Is it?
If not, is there a way I can make the location on the screen where the
drawn text is serve as the "hit area", such that mousing over it would
send an event?
If you draw the label yourself, the static text is not a real widget:
so you can just bind events like wx.EVT_MOTION, wx.EVT_LEFT_DOWN and
wx.EVT_LEFT_UP to your panel (i.e., the panel that would be the label
parent if the label was a real widget) and then highlight/redraw your
label if certain conditions are met. For example (pseudo-code,
def OnMotion(self, event):
pos = event.GetPosition()
if self.labelRect.Contains(pos):
if self.labelStatus == "hover":
# nothing to do, we are already hovered by the mouse
self.labelStatus = "hover"
# Redraw the label with a "hover" appearance
if self.labelStatus == "normal":
# nothing to do, we are already in normal state
self.labelStatus = "normal"
# Redraw the label with a "normal" appearance
Where "labelRect" is your label wx.Rect rectangle and "labelStatus"
can be anything you need to make your label nice: you'll decide the
label appearance in the RedrawLabel() method (which will redraw the
part of the screen where the label sits) depending on the value of
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On 18 August 2010 05:52, C M wrote: