Hi all.
I’ve wrote a recursive function that parse a xml file.
The function is at end of mail.
The XML file to parse is attached.
In this function i don’t consider the content of the element, because in my project the elements are empty, the information is saved in attributes.
I would dinamically create a wxFrame that visualize my parsed XML in nice view.
I thought that a wxGRID is the best way but i’m not sure.
My problems is about the dinamically of representation.
I have more questions like “How can i fix the row of grid? And how can i insert the value in CellValue? etc”
Is there anyone of you that can make this, or can post an example about this?
I’ve only a little bit of time so i’ve post this big help on list…
If anyone of you can help me i could insert him in collaborators list of my project!!
import sys, string
from xml.dom import minidom, Node
**def** walk(parent,level):
**for** node **in** parent.childNodes:
**if** node.nodeType==Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
**print** "\nElement: %s" %
attrs= node.attributes
**for** attrName **in** attrs.keys():
attrValue= attrNode.nodeValue
**print** "Attribute: %s Value: %s
" %(attrName,attrValue)
walk(node, level+1)
**def** run ():
rootNode= doc.documentElement
iptResponse.xml (1.23 KB)
Hi all.
I've wrote a recursive function that parse a xml file.
The function is at end of mail.
The XML file to parse is attached.
In this function i don't consider the content of the element, because in my
project the elements are empty, the information is saved in attributes.
I would dinamically create a wxFrame that visualize my parsed XML in nice
I thought that a wxGRID is the best way but i'm not sure.
My problems is about the dinamically of representation.
I have more questions like "How can i fix the row of grid? And how can i
insert the value in CellValue? etc"
row = grid.GetNumberRows()-1
for col, value in enumerate(values):
grid.SetCellValue(row, col, value)
Read the documentation.
Is there anyone of you that can make this, or can post an example about
I've only a little bit of time so i've post this big help on list...
If anyone of you can help me i could insert him in collaborators list of my
Why do you need help? You have node names (node.nodeName), you have
node attributes (attrs.keys()), and you can call wxPython object
creation in there. Create a row with wx.Grid() whenever you get a
node.nodeName of 'rule', and set the values on that row by going through
your list of columns.
Sbaush <sbaush@gmail.com> wrote:
import sys, stringfrom xml.dom import minidom, Node
*def* walk(parent,level):
*for* node *in* parent.childNodes:
*if* node.nodeType==Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
*print* "\nElement: %s" %node.nodeName
*for* attrName *in* attrs.keys():
*print* "Attribute: %s Value: %s " %(attrName,attrValue)
walk(node, level+1)*def* run ():
Another question: in my parser the attributes are in a strange order, for
example the element <rule num="1" target="ACCEPT" protocol="icmp"
option="--" source="localhost.localdomain" destination="anywhere"/> is
Element: rule
Attribute: protocol Value: icmp
Attribute: target Value: ACCEPT
Attribute: destination Value: anywhere
Attribute: source Value: localhost.localdomain
Attribute: num Value: 1
Attribute: option Value: --
WHY the first is protocol, the second is targer etc???
WHY is not num the first?
Because the attributes are stored in a dictionary, and in Python, a
dictionary is a hash table, which has no explicit guarantees about
ordering. If you care about ordering...
x = ('num', 'target', 'protocol', 'option', 'source', 'destination')
for name in x:
value = attrs.get(name)
- Josiah
Sbaush <sbaush@gmail.com> wrote:
Here is the parser
import sys, string
from xml.dom import minidom, Node
*def* walk(parent,level):
*for* node *in* parent.childNodes:
*if* node.nodeType==Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
*print* "\nElement: %s" %
*for* attrName *in* attrs.keys():
*print* "Attribute: %s Value: %s
" %(attrName,attrValue)
walk(node, level+1)
*def* run ():
2006/1/28, Josiah Carlson <jcarlson@uci.edu>:
> Sbaush <sbaush@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all.
> > I've wrote a recursive function that parse a xml file.
> > The function is at end of mail.
> > The XML file to parse is attached.
> > In this function i don't consider the content of the element, because in
> my
> > project the elements are empty, the information is saved in attributes.
> >
> > I would dinamically create a wxFrame that visualize my parsed XML in
> nice
> > view.
> > I thought that a wxGRID is the best way but i'm not sure.
> > My problems is about the dinamically of representation.
> > I have more questions like "How can i fix the row of grid? And how can i
> > insert the value in CellValue? etc"
> grid.AppendRows(1)
> row = grid.GetNumberRows()-1
> for col, value in enumerate(values):
> grid.SetCellValue(row, col, value)
> Read the documentation.
> > Is there anyone of you that can make this, or can post an example about
> > this?
> > I've only a little bit of time so i've post this big help on list...
> > If anyone of you can help me i could insert him in collaborators list of
> my
> > project!!
> Why do you need help? You have node names (node.nodeName), you have
> node attributes (attrs.keys()), and you can call wxPython object
> creation in there. Create a row with wx.Grid() whenever you get a
> node.nodeName of 'rule', and set the values on that row by going through
> your list of columns.
> > import sys, stringfrom xml.dom import minidom, Node
> >
> > *def* walk(parent,level):
> > *for* node *in* parent.childNodes:
> > *if* node.nodeType==Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
> > *print* "\nElement: %s" %node.nodeName
> > attrs=node.attributes
> > *for* attrName *in* attrs.keys():
> > attrNode=attrs.get(attrName)
> > attrValue=attrNode.nodeValue
> > *print* "Attribute: %s Value: %s "
> %(attrName,attrValue)
> > walk(node, level+1)*def* run ():
> > doc=minidom.parse("iptResponse.xml")
> > rootNode=doc.documentElement
> > level=0
> > walk(rootNode,level)
> >
> > run()
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Sbaush