better looking scaled bitmaps?

Does wxImage have any undocumented options for the Scale method so scaled
images look better? It appears that if I want to get a nice looking scaled
bitmap that I probably need to convert the wxBitmap or wxImage to PIL and
let PIL handle the scaling before converting back to the wxImage/wxBitmap.
In particular, it looks like the resize function in the Image module is what
I'm looking for.

"resize(size) image

resize(size, filter) image

Returns a resized copy of an image. The size argument gives the requested
size in pixels, as a 2-tuple: (width, height).

The filter argument can be NEAREST, BILINEAR, or BICUBIC. If omitted, it
defaults to NEAREST."

The PIL docs are available in several formats at:

If anyone has other suggestions I would appreciate it. I want to scale
images (mostly JPEG) that are larger than the screen for the pictureViewer
and slideshow samples in PythonCard with better results than I'm seeing just
using wxImage.Scale.


Kevin Altis wrote:

Does wxImage have any undocumented options for the Scale method so scaled
images look better?

wxImage's philosophy is pretty much DTSTTCPW (Do the simplest thing that could possibly work.) For better/fancier stuff you'll need to look elsewhere.

It appears that if I want to get a nice looking scaled
bitmap that I probably need to convert the wxBitmap or wxImage to PIL and
let PIL handle the scaling before converting back to the wxImage/wxBitmap.
In particular, it looks like the resize function in the Image module is what
I'm looking for.

I'd still like to have a better integration with PIL, and have recieved a contrib that goes a few steps down that path, but I haven't been able yet to finish it.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!