Does wxImage have any undocumented options for the Scale method so scaled
images look better? It appears that if I want to get a nice looking scaled
bitmap that I probably need to convert the wxBitmap or wxImage to PIL and
let PIL handle the scaling before converting back to the wxImage/wxBitmap.
In particular, it looks like the resize function in the Image module is what
I'm looking for.
"resize(size) image
resize(size, filter) image
Returns a resized copy of an image. The size argument gives the requested
size in pixels, as a 2-tuple: (width, height).
The filter argument can be NEAREST, BILINEAR, or BICUBIC. If omitted, it
defaults to NEAREST."
The PIL docs are available in several formats at:
If anyone has other suggestions I would appreciate it. I want to scale
images (mostly JPEG) that are larger than the screen for the pictureViewer
and slideshow samples in PythonCard with better results than I'm seeing just
using wxImage.Scale.