Is it possible (and how) to set a background colour for a
whole row or column of a GridBagSizer?
Yes, it is possible. But since the sizer does not own
anything that can
have colour or can be drawn upon then it is not managed by the sizer,
but the sizer does facilitate it.When you add an item to a sizer a reference to the wx.SizerItem is
returned, or you can get the item later using
sizer.GetItem(item) where
the item parameter is a window or subsizer. Once you have the
then you can use its GetRect method to know where on the window that
item is located. So you could give your panel a EVT_PAINT
handler that
uses the sizer items to know where to paint the background colour that
you want.
Thank you, but that sounds like a bit too much for me.
I changed my app to use simple Buttons instead of BitmapButtons and
put in some spare columns as separators. That's faster anyway.
Best regards,
Henning Hraban Ramm
Südkurier Medienhaus / MediaPro
Support/Admin/Development Dept.