Automatic exception catching and handling in Python

I would like to know if there is a way pipe all exceptions and bugs in my program directly in a log file.

I already have a function to write in a log, but if an exception or bug occurs in a part of my program I didn't expected, the end user will see it, while I would like to hide it and keep it in a separate file which will be sent to the network administrator.

Any idea ?



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I would like to know if there is a way pipe all exceptions and bugs in my program directly in a log file.

I already have a function to write in a log, but if an exception or bug occurs in a part of my program I didn’t expected, the end user will see it, while I would like to hide it and keep it in a separate file which will be sent to the network administrator.

Any idea ?

If you want to be able to catch all unhandled exceptions you can do some thing like the following.

Define an ExceptionHook method with the follwing argurments

def myExceptionHook(exception_type, value, traceback):

Do what you need to with exception info

Then sometime during the intialization of you program

import sys

sys.excepthook = myExceptionHook

This way everytime an unhandled exception is raised your method will be called to process it.



On 7/8/08, Phil Mayes wrote:

At 08:15 AM 7/8/2008, you wrote: