Jorge Godoy wrote:
Matthew Zaleski <> writes:
While playing with examples from the wxPython Wiki, I noticed that
things didn't seem to work as advertised. I had downloaded the latest
2.5.2.x binary release for Windows. Is this the API compatibility
that folks were talking about a week or so ago? I'm guessing that the
wiki is based on 2.4.x API calls.
The Wiki is not one thing, it is a collection of pages, and each one was written at a different time, and therefor could be compatible with different versions. Personally, I've been using only 2.5.* for a while, so anything I've put or updated in the wiki will reflect that.
I'd request that the Wiki *do not* be updated, but complemented.
I agree.
-First, if anyone notices an example that only works with a given version of wxPython, put a note in.
-Second, if you are using a different version of wxPython than the example, try to port it to your version, and if successful, add (don't replace) it to the page.
-Third, if you can't figure out how to get it to work with your version, send a note to the original author and/or this list, and you'll get help. I, for one NEVER revisit pages I've put in the Wiki unless someone asks me a question about it.
An exception to the above is that I would suggest that all Wiki Examples be converted to the "import wx" style. Another one is the "DC incompatibility" problem. We should only use the current DC style, using if necessary.
By the way, porting small examples to a different version really isn't that hard. If you get a error you don't understand, look in the Migration guide, and chances are good it will be addressed.
Christopher Barker, Ph.D.
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