ansi vs. unicode

I am all for a unicode build, but there is a but

The StyledTextCtrl does not work for European users,
more exactly for every user, who is using chars which
are represented by more than one byte in the utf-8 encoding.

for example: <stc>.GetLength('éléphant') -> 10

Jean-Michel Fauth, Switzerland.

Underlying the StyledTextCtrl is the Scintilla edit control. As per
Scintilla specs, all characters are stored in utf-8. It takes work to
handle using the STC with regards to unicode characters, and even \r\n
line endings. It does work, though perhaps not like you (or many others)

- Josiah


jmf <> wrote:

I am all for a unicode build, but there is a but

The StyledTextCtrl does not work for European users,
more exactly for every user, who is using chars which
are represented by more than one byte in the utf-8 encoding.

for example: <stc>.GetLength('éléphant') -> 10