ANN: PyAUI: A Floating/Docking Library For wxPython ; -)

An error appears when playing with perspectives (create one, make some changes then create another.. now switch between them a couple of times)
here is a little traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "c:\Documents and Settings\CMS Media\My Documents\Projects\",
  line 463, in OnRestorePerspective
     self._mgr.LoadPerspective(self._perspectives[event.GetId() - ID_FirstPerspec
   File "c:\Documents and Settings\CMS Media\My Documents\Projects\", lin
e 2328, in LoadPerspective
   File "c:\Documents and Settings\CMS Media\My Documents\Projects\", lin
e 2997, in Update
     sizer = self.LayoutAll(self._panes, self._docks, self._uiparts, False)
   File "c:\Documents and Settings\CMS Media\My Documents\Projects\", lin
e 2938, in LayoutAll
     uiparts = self.LayoutAddDock(cont, arr[row], uiparts, spacer_only)
   File "c:\Documents and Settings\CMS Media\My Documents\Projects\", lin
e 2632, in LayoutAddDock
     uiparts = self.LayoutAddPane(dock_sizer, dock, pane, uiparts, spacer_only)
   File "c:\Documents and Settings\CMS Media\My Documents\Projects\", lin
e 2503, in LayoutAddPane
   File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\wx-2.6-msw-unicode\wx\", line 1174
5, in SetItemMinSize
     return self._SetItemMinSize(item, args[0])
   File "C:\Python24\Lib\site-packages\wx-2.6-msw-unicode\wx\", line 1173
0, in _SetItemMinSize
     return _core_.Sizer__SetItemMinSize(*args, **kwargs)
wx._core.PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "wxAssertFailure" failed in ..\..\src\c
ommon\wincmn.cpp(750): min width/height must be less than max width/height!

also... about the blog... it would be great IMHO if the posts about new widgets would contain links to the .zip and maybe screenshots and also the list of widgets would be way better if it would be ordered in reverse... like the new widgets at the top of the list rather than bottom.



On Mon, 02 Jan 2006 23:20:09 +0200, Andrea Gavana <> wrote:

Hello NG,

    ... patiently waiting that wx developers decide on the future of wxIFM... here comes the first attempt of converting the original C++ wxWidgets code of wxAUI in a fully functional wxPython implementation.
PyAUI is a floating/docking library that allows you to float, dock, drag virtually every type of control, including toolbars (that can not be handled by wxIFM, IIRC). Floated controls are contained in native frames (different behavior from wxIFM).