is there a way to embed Flash in wxpython?
I checked a couple of activeX components but would prefer an OSX and
WIN (ideally also Linux) compatibility.
The reason I want the Flash is that I can get my hands on a couple of
real good 3D representations of formulas, etc... that allow user
interaction (3-dimensional rotation via Mouse, etc), and I have never
done anything like this in a gui toolkit and am, to be honest, not too
eager to take up 3D GUI programming... having said that, id there is
no other way or some python/ wxpython-way, I'd do it.
Any hint, also on capable 3D toolkits is appreciated.
For 3D modeling I had once found Chimera for 3D molecular modeling. The photo gallery is amazing. It may give you ideas where to start. The foundation is C++ and the glue is Python: Chimera Programmer's Guide.
----- Original Message -----
From: the_shelter <>
Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 1:03 am
Subject: [wxPython-users] Embeding Flash/ Shockwave
is there a way to embed Flash in wxpython?
I checked a couple of activeX components but would prefer an OSX and
WIN (ideally also Linux) compatibility.
The reason I want the Flash is that I can get my hands on a couple of
real good 3D representations of formulas, etc... that allow user
interaction (3-dimensional rotation via Mouse, etc), and I have never
done anything like this in a gui toolkit and am, to be honest, not too
eager to take up 3D GUI programming... having said that, id there is
no other way or some python/ wxpython-way, I'd do it.
Any hint, also on capable 3D toolkits is appreciated.
is there a way to embed Flash in wxpython?
I checked a couple of activeX components but would prefer an OSX and
WIN (ideally also Linux) compatibility.
I haven't seen any other wx users doing something like this, other than on Windows with the activex code. It's probably doable, it just hasn't been done yet.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!
is there a way to embed Flash in wxpython?
I checked a couple of activeX components but would prefer an OSX and
WIN (ideally also Linux) compatibility.
I haven't seen any other wx users doing something like this, other than on Windows with the activex code. It's probably doable, it just hasn't been done yet.
One option, if someone's willing to get their hands dirty hacking, is to get <wxWidgetsSrc>/utils/nplugin (netscape plugin) working on all three platforms. Embedding wxWebKitCtrl would probably work on Mac as well, though I'm not sure if you could directly load Flash files or if you'd have to embed them in an HTML page. Mozilla and WebKit both have implementations you could look at.
On Apr 25, 2006, at 9:36 AM, Robin Dunn wrote:
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!
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One option, if someone's willing to get their hands dirty hacking, is to get <wxWidgetsSrc>/utils/nplugin (netscape plugin) working on all three platforms.
Hi Kevin. Are you seeing this as a better browser interface than webkit to pursue than webkit approach?
One option, if someone's willing to get their hands dirty hacking, is to get <wxWidgetsSrc>/utils/nplugin (netscape plugin) working on all three platforms.
Hi Kevin. Are you seeing this as a better browser interface than webkit to pursue than webkit approach?
I'm not sure I understand the question. Could you clarify?
On Apr 25, 2006, at 10:58 AM, David Pratt wrote:
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Sure. I am not aware of this plugin. Is this another (or better) approach to obtaining a browser panel on mac and windows. Sorry, I have to admit even I don't understand what I wrote, reading it over
Kevin Ollivier wrote:
Hi David,
On Apr 25, 2006, at 10:58 AM, David Pratt wrote:
Kevin Ollivier wrote:
One option, if someone's willing to get their hands dirty hacking, is to get <wxWidgetsSrc>/utils/nplugin (netscape plugin) working on all three platforms.
Hi Kevin. Are you seeing this as a better browser interface than webkit to pursue than webkit approach?
I'm not sure I understand the question. Could you clarify?
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Sure. I am not aware of this plugin. Is this another (or better) approach to obtaining a browser panel on mac and windows. Sorry, I have to admit even I don't understand what I wrote, reading it over
Ah, okay. No, this is a control to allow embedding Netscape plugins (e.g. Flash, Windows Media/Real/Quicktime, Acrobat, etc.) into a wx application. In the long term, code for this will probably need to be written for WebKit anyhow, so that WebKit windows can load Flash pages, etc.
On Apr 25, 2006, at 11:25 AM, David Pratt wrote:
Kevin Ollivier wrote:
Hi David,
On Apr 25, 2006, at 10:58 AM, David Pratt wrote:
Kevin Ollivier wrote:
One option, if someone's willing to get their hands dirty hacking, is to get <wxWidgetsSrc>/utils/nplugin (netscape plugin) working on all three platforms.
Hi Kevin. Are you seeing this as a better browser interface than webkit to pursue than webkit approach?
I'm not sure I understand the question. Could you clarify?
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To unsubscribe, e-mail:
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Sure. I am not aware of this plugin. Is this another (or better) approach to obtaining a browser panel on mac and windows. Sorry, I have to admit even I don't understand what I wrote, reading it over
Ah, okay. No, this is a control to allow embedding Netscape plugins (e.g. Flash, Windows Media/Real/Quicktime, Acrobat, etc.) into a wx application. In the long term, code for this will probably need to be written for WebKit anyhow, so that WebKit windows can load Flash pages, etc.
Actually, I think it is the other way around. The last I looked at it the code in utils/nplugin was for *making* a netscape plugin, not for *hosting* one.
On Apr 25, 2006, at 11:25 AM, David Pratt wrote:
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!