Guido asked me to make sure this gets posted to a number of widely read
Python mailing lists and newsgroups. Note the Feburary 15th deadline!
Last week, Robin and I briefly talked about having some sort of GUI track at
Python 11. Both of us live in the Portland area, so it won't be difficult
for us to attend OSCON 2003. I would encourage everyone to think of
proposals and get something submitted before the deadline.
The theme this year is "Embracing and Extending Proprietary Software" so
uses of wxPython in that context would be particularly welcome.
From: O'Reilly Conferences []
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 3:56 PM
Subject: oscon 2003 call for participation
2003 O'Reilly Open Source Convention Call For Participation
Embracing and Extending Proprietary Software
O'Reilly & Associates invites programmers, developers, strategists,
and technical staff to submit proposals to lead tutorial and conference
sessions at the 2003 Open Source Software Convention, slated for
July 7-11 in Portland, OR.
Proposals are due February 15, 2003. For more information please
visit our OSCON website
The theme this year is "Embracing and Extending Proprietary Software."
Few companies use only one vendor's software on desktops, back office,
and servers. Variety in operating systems and applications is becoming
the norm, for sound financial and technical reasons. With variety comes
the need for open unencumbered standards for data exchange and service
interoperability. You can address the theme from any angle you like--for
example, you might talk about migrating away from commercial software
such as Microsoft Windows, or instead place your emphasis on coexistence.
Convention Conferences
Perl Conference 7
The Python 11 Conference
PHP Conference 3
Convention Tracks
MySQL and PostgreSQL
Please read the O'Reilly OSCON CFP Press Release