ANN: HyperLinksCtrl For wxPython

Hello Robin & NG,

Hmmm... Looking at the module I see that the class used on Windows just

totally ignores the extra parameters:

class WindowsDefault:
    def open(self, url, new=0, autoraise=1):

    def open_new(self, url):

I forgot that it was implemented that way. Maybe you can create a new

class that does it they way you want and then register it with the
webbrowser.register function...

Noting that I am not that guru in using Python, I asked to Python-list for
a possible solution on this. I got no answer in 3 days (it is a very active
list, so I suppose there is no easy solution on Windows). I know it is just
pure maquillage, but it would be a nice feature to have. For that reason,
is there anyone that have some suggestion for me?
On Windows, webbrowser uses os.startfile, so there is almost nothing I can
do with it. Should I go back to the old HyperLinksCtrl and "reinvent the
wheel" as Robin pointed out in order to have this feature working?

Thank you for every suggestions.
