ANN: GUI2Exe 0.2

Hi All,

    I am happy to announce the release of GUI2Exe 0.2 :smiley:

I apologize for the huge cross-posting, I just wanted to let py2exe,
py2app, PyInstaller, cx_Freeze and bbFreeze users aware of the
existence of GUI2Exe, but from now on the announcements will go to the
GUI2Exe mailing list only to avoid cluttering of the various mailing

First of all, I would like to thank Cody Precord for the huge work he
has done and for the nice suggestions he has given to me, and the
wxPython mailing list users for tips on how to improve the general
usability of GUI2Exe.

What is it?



GUI2Exe is a Graphical User Interface frontend to all the "executable builders"
available for the Python programming language. It can be used to build
Windows executables, Linux applications and Mac OS application bundles and
plugins starting from Python scripts.

GUI2Exe is (my) first attempt to unify all the available "executable builders"
for Python in a single and simple to use graphical user interface.
GUI2Exe supports the following compilers:

* py2exe (Windows)
* py2app (Mac OS)
* PyInstaller (all platforms)
* cx_Freeze (Windows and Linux)
* bbFreeze (Windows and Linux)


GUI2Exe is distributed as Python source code, and it requires:

* Python 2.3+ ;
* wxPython 2.8.7+ ansi/unicode (unicode recommended);
* One (or more) of the Python executable builders.


GUI2Exe has a number of features, namely:

* Saves and stores your work in a database, displaying all your projects in a
  tree control;
* Possibility to export the file, even though you shouldn't ever need
  anymore to have a file, as everything is done automagically inside
* Ability to change the Python version to use to build the executable;
* Allows the user to insert custom Python code in the "in-memory"
  file, which will be properly included at runtime during the building process;
* Allows the user to add post-processing custom code, which will be executed
  at the end of the building process. Useful for cleaning up;
* Possibility to view the full build output coming from the compiler;
* Allows the user to add data_files (for the executable builders that support
  this option) either by selecting a bunch of files all together or using a
  directory-recursive approach, which will include all files and sub-folders
  in the selected folders as data_files;
* "Super" tooltips for the users to better understand the various options;
* GUI2Exe projects can be saved also to a file (and not only in the database):
  the exported project may then be checked into version control software like
  CVS or SVN, modified and then reloaded into GUI2Exe;
* Ability to test the executable: if the executable crashes, GUI2Exe will
  notice it and report to you the traceback for inspection;
* [py2exe-only]: After a building process, choosing the menu Builds => Missing
  modules or Builds => Binary dependencies, you will be presented respectively
  with a list of modules py2exe thinks are missing or a list of binary
  dependencies (dlls) py2exe has found.

And much more :smiley:

Project information

Project home page & downloads:

Bleeding edge SVN repository (out of sync at the moment, please use the zip
file in the download section of the home page for the moment):
svn checkout gui2exe-read-only

Project mailing list:

Help translating GUI2Exe in your language!

Please report bugs, success stories ( :smiley: ) and requests of
improvements to the GUI2Exe mailing list:

Or use the google-Trac issues handler here:

Happy Python hacking :smiley:


"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."


I'm eager to give it a try! Thanks so much for completing it,
and Cody thanks for the help which was evident on this forum.
A finished project is far more than twice as good as a half-finished
project. I think this will do much for the world of wxPython executables!



On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 5:49 AM, Andrea Gavana <> wrote:

Hi All,

   I am happy to announce the release of GUI2Exe 0.2 :smiley:

I apologize for the huge cross-posting, I just wanted to let py2exe,
py2app, PyInstaller, cx_Freeze and bbFreeze users aware of the
existence of GUI2Exe, but from now on the announcements will go to the
GUI2Exe mailing list only to avoid cluttering of the various mailing

First of all, I would like to thank Cody Precord for the huge work he
has done and for the nice suggestions he has given to me, and the
wxPython mailing list users for tips on how to improve the general
usability of GUI2Exe.

What is it?

GUI2Exe is a Graphical User Interface frontend to all the "executable builders"
available for the Python programming language. It can be used to build
Windows executables, Linux applications and Mac OS application bundles and
plugins starting from Python scripts.

GUI2Exe is (my) first attempt to unify all the available "executable builders"
for Python in a single and simple to use graphical user interface.
GUI2Exe supports the following compilers:

* py2exe (Windows)
* py2app (Mac OS)
* PyInstaller (all platforms)
* cx_Freeze (Windows and Linux)
* bbFreeze (Windows and Linux)


GUI2Exe is distributed as Python source code, and it requires:

* Python 2.3+ ;
* wxPython 2.8.7+ ansi/unicode (unicode recommended);
* One (or more) of the Python executable builders.


GUI2Exe has a number of features, namely:

* Saves and stores your work in a database, displaying all your projects in a
tree control;
* Possibility to export the file, even though you shouldn't ever need
anymore to have a file, as everything is done automagically inside
* Ability to change the Python version to use to build the executable;
* Allows the user to insert custom Python code in the "in-memory"
file, which will be properly included at runtime during the building process;
* Allows the user to add post-processing custom code, which will be executed
at the end of the building process. Useful for cleaning up;
* Possibility to view the full build output coming from the compiler;
* Allows the user to add data_files (for the executable builders that support
this option) either by selecting a bunch of files all together or using a
directory-recursive approach, which will include all files and sub-folders
in the selected folders as data_files;
* "Super" tooltips for the users to better understand the various options;
* GUI2Exe projects can be saved also to a file (and not only in the database):
the exported project may then be checked into version control software like
CVS or SVN, modified and then reloaded into GUI2Exe;
* Ability to test the executable: if the executable crashes, GUI2Exe will
notice it and report to you the traceback for inspection;
* [py2exe-only]: After a building process, choosing the menu Builds => Missing
modules or Builds => Binary dependencies, you will be presented respectively
with a list of modules py2exe thinks are missing or a list of binary
dependencies (dlls) py2exe has found.

And much more :smiley:

Project information

Project home page & downloads:
Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.

Bleeding edge SVN repository (out of sync at the moment, please use the zip
file in the download section of the home page for the moment):
svn checkout gui2exe-read-only

Project mailing list:

Help translating GUI2Exe in your language!
gui2exe in Launchpad

Please report bugs, success stories ( :smiley: ) and requests of
improvements to the GUI2Exe mailing list:

Or use the google-Trac issues handler here:

Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.

Happy Python hacking :smiley:


"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."
wxpython-users mailing list