Hello NG,
Requires wxPython 2.5 or higher.
This in not all true, because with wx, it don't work:
This is because wx.DatePickerCtrl has been added in version has been released 09/11/2004... hasn't time come for an upgrade?!?
Andrea Gavana
Reservoir Engineer
MOGI ? Reservoir Characterization and Modeling Dept.
ENI S.p.A. ? Exploration & Production Division
Via Emilia, 1 ? 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI) ? Italy
Phone: +39 02 520 62972
Fax: +39 02 520 61824
E-mail: andrea.gavana@agip.it
Updated Internet Site: http://xoomer.virgilio.it/infinity77/
Eni S.p.A.
Sede legale in Roma,
Piazzale Enrico Mattei 1, 00144 Roma
Tel. centralino: +39 06598.21
Capitale sociale 4.002.934.326 i.v.
Registro Imprese di Roma,
Codice Fiscale 00484960588
Part. IVA 00905811006
R.E.A. Roma n. 756453