[ANN] a) psi61, and b) plot modules

a) psi


o psi: a simple Python Shell and Interpreter (like IDLE, PyShell, ...).
o build61: Python 2.3.4, wxPython .
o exe for windows and Python scripts.

b) plot modules
o Plot modules are psi extensions. They allow to plot data interactively
  from the psi interpreter (and if you are keen enough, from pyshell).
o NEW: The plot modules are designed in such a way they can be used by any
  wxPython applications.
o A tiny example, instead of thousand words:

  import psigraph3
  f = psigraph3.cpsigraph3(<parent>, False) // see psigraph3. __doc__
  f.datax = range(11)
  f.datay = range(11)

  and the data are magically plotted onto a separate window (wxFrame).
o The plot modules should be platform independent.
o The plot modules do not use external lib like Numeric.

c) where
o http://www.chez.com/spinecho/pypsi/pagpypsi.htm

Have fun.

Jean-Michel Fauth, Switzerland