
I currently use wx.TipWindow and would like to switch to SST

Currently I have the following code in a left down event on a grid cell:

         self.tip = wx.TipWindow(self, msg, maxLength = len(msg))
         self.tip.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnTipKeyDown)

Replaced it with the following:
         self.sttInst = self.DoGenerateTip(msg,[pos])
         self.tip = STT.ToolTipWindow(self, self.sttInst)
         self.tip.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnTipKeyDown)

DoGenerateTip is similar code as in OnGenerateTip (see below) in the wxPython demo.

However when I click on a cell the code gets run but no tip is shown.

What am I missing?

Appreciate any tips.


     def DoGenerateTip(self, msg, gdata):
         #TODO: clean up, get wine image
         SSTstyle = 'Office 2007 Blue'

         headerText, headerBmp, drawHLine = "", wx.NullBitmap, False

         headerText = msg[0]
         if gdata[0]:
             headerBmp = getattr(myimages, gdata[0]).GetBitmap()
             headerBmp = wx.NullBitmap

         bodyImage = wx.NullBitmap

         if not hasattr(self, "sstTip"):
             self.sstTip = STT.SuperToolTip(msg)


## self.sstTip.SetTarget(self) # doesn't make a difference



         return self.sstTip

Can make it work on e.g. a button, but not on a grid cell when it is being left clicked.

Something special to be done with a grid and SST?



On 08/06/2010 16:18, werner wrote:

I currently use wx.TipWindow and would like to switch to SST

Currently I have the following code in a left down event on a grid cell:

        self.tip = wx.TipWindow(self, msg, maxLength = len(msg))
        self.tip.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnTipKeyDown)

Replaced it with the following:
        self.sttInst = self.DoGenerateTip(msg,[pos])
        self.tip = STT.ToolTipWindow(self, self.sttInst)
        self.tip.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnTipKeyDown)

DoGenerateTip is similar code as in OnGenerateTip (see below) in the wxPython demo.

However when I click on a cell the code gets run but no tip is shown.

What am I missing?

Appreciate any tips.

If self is the Grid then you may need to use self.GetGridWindow() for the parent.


On 6/8/10 8:40 AM, werner wrote:

On 08/06/2010 16:18, werner wrote:

I currently use wx.TipWindow and would like to switch to SST

Currently I have the following code in a left down event on a grid cell:

self.tip = wx.TipWindow(self, msg, maxLength = len(msg))
self.tip.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnTipKeyDown)

Replaced it with the following:
self.sttInst = self.DoGenerateTip(msg,[pos])
self.tip = STT.ToolTipWindow(self, self.sttInst)
self.tip.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnTipKeyDown)

DoGenerateTip is similar code as in OnGenerateTip (see below) in the
wxPython demo.

However when I click on a cell the code gets run but no tip is shown.

What am I missing?

Appreciate any tips.

Can make it work on e.g. a button, but not on a grid cell when it is
being left clicked.

Something special to be done with a grid and SST?

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman

self is actually the panel containing the grid.

I think/guess (after looking through the code) it is an issue with SST, i.e. it depends on "going" into the widget (timer) to show the tip and does not show it immediately upon request (i.e. by left clicking a cell).

Am I guessing in the right direction?



On 08/06/2010 18:35, Robin Dunn wrote:

On 6/8/10 8:40 AM, werner wrote:

On 08/06/2010 16:18, werner wrote:

I currently use wx.TipWindow and would like to switch to SST

Currently I have the following code in a left down event on a grid cell:

self.tip = wx.TipWindow(self, msg, maxLength = len(msg))
self.tip.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnTipKeyDown)

Replaced it with the following:
self.sttInst = self.DoGenerateTip(msg,[pos])
self.tip = STT.ToolTipWindow(self, self.sttInst)
self.tip.Bind(wx.EVT_KEY_DOWN, self.OnTipKeyDown)

DoGenerateTip is similar code as in OnGenerateTip (see below) in the
wxPython demo.

However when I click on a cell the code gets run but no tip is shown.

What am I missing?

Appreciate any tips.

Can make it work on e.g. a button, but not on a grid cell when it is
being left clicked.

Something special to be done with a grid and SST?

If self is the Grid then you may need to use self.GetGridWindow() for the parent.

Andrea and Robin,


If self is the Grid then you may need to use self.GetGridWindow() for the parent.

self is actually the panel containing the grid.

I think/guess (after looking through the code) it is an issue with SST, i.e. it depends on "going" into the widget (timer) to show the tip and does not show it immediately upon request (i.e. by left clicking a cell).

Am I guessing in the right direction?

I just tried it, i.e. added the following method to wx.lib.agw.supertooltip at around line 915:

     def DoShowNow(self):
         """ Create the L{SuperToolTip} immediately. """

         tip = ToolTipWindow(self._widget, self)
         self._superToolTip = tip

         # need to stop this, otherwise we get into trouble when leaving the window

         if self.GetUseFade():


That does the trick for me, is this an acceptable change for SST? If yes I will try and submit a patch for it after I have done some more testing with this.

One issue I still like to fix is the position is currently based on the mouse position, so if we are to the edge of the screen the tip will show off-screen. Is there a good method to prevent this - i.e. anywhere some code I could steal which calculates a better position for the tip based on its size etc etc?

Best regards


On 08/06/2010 18:59, werner wrote:

On 08/06/2010 18:35, Robin Dunn wrote:

Just curious, but why are you calling it SST? Doesn't STT make more
sense? Anyway, I don't see anything wrong with this
approach...hopefully Andrea will be fine with it too.


On Jun 8, 12:35 pm, werner <> wrote:

Andrea and Robin,

On 08/06/2010 18:59, werner wrote:> On 08/06/2010 18:35, Robin Dunn wrote:

>> If self is the Grid then you may need to use self.GetGridWindow() for
>> the parent.
> self is actually the panel containing the grid.

> I think/guess (after looking through the code) it is an issue with
> SST, i.e. it depends on "going" into the widget (timer) to show the
> tip and does not show it immediately upon request (i.e. by left
> clicking a cell).

> Am I guessing in the right direction?

I just tried it, i.e. added the following method to
wx.lib.agw.supertooltip at around line 915:

 def DoShowNow\(self\):
     &quot;&quot;&quot; Create the L\{SuperToolTip\} immediately\. &quot;&quot;&quot;

     tip = ToolTipWindow\(self\.\_widget, self\)
     self\.\_superToolTip = tip

     \# need to stop this, otherwise we get into trouble when leaving

the window

     if self\.GetUseFade\(\):


That does the trick for me, is this an acceptable change for SST? If
yes I will try and submit a patch for it after I have done some more
testing with this.

One issue I still like to fix is the position is currently based on the
mouse position, so if we are to the edge of the screen the tip will show
off-screen. Is there a good method to prevent this - i.e. anywhere some
code I could steal which calculates a better position for the tip based
on its size etc etc?

Best regards

Mike Driscoll




Just curious, but why are you calling it SST? Doesn't STT make more

You are absolutely right, either the finger got stuck or brain was switched off for a moment or two :slight_smile: .



On 08/06/2010 20:08, Mike Driscoll wrote:

Hi Werner,



Just curious, but why are you calling it SST? Doesn't STT make more

You are absolutely right, either the finger got stuck or brain was switched
off for a moment or two :slight_smile: .

Please feel free to submit a patch, it seems to me that the code you
posted will be fine so I'll apply it straight away in SVN.


"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."

==> Never *EVER* use RemovalGroup for your house removal. You'll
regret it forever.
The Doomed City: Removal Group: the nightmare <==


On 8 June 2010 21:54, werner wrote:

On 08/06/2010 20:08, Mike Driscoll wrote:

Hi Andrea,


Please feel free to submit a patch, it seems to me that the code you
posted will be fine so I'll apply it straight away in SVN.

Will do after I did some more testing on it - probably in a day or two.

Any idea about my "position" problem, i.e. if the click position is close to the edge of the screen the tip will show off the screen.

Have you done/seen any code which attempts to compensate for this by moving the tip up/down/left/right based on where the mouse pointer is - obviously it would be really nice if the STT does this "automagically".



On 09/06/2010 13:33, Andrea Gavana wrote:

wx.PopupWindow.Position looks like it is doing what I want but I can't figure out the right values to feed it.

Works nicely in the wxPython demo but I the following don't work:

         pos = tip.ClientToScreen( (0, 0) )
## pos = tip.ClientToScreen( tip.GetParent().GetPosition() )
         tip.Position(pos, tip.GetBestSize())

Above is always too far down or up and too much to the right.

Anyone sees what I am doing wrong here?



On 09/06/2010 14:31, werner wrote:

Hi Andrea,

On 09/06/2010 13:33, Andrea Gavana wrote:


Please feel free to submit a patch, it seems to me that the code you
posted will be fine so I'll apply it straight away in SVN.

Will do after I did some more testing on it - probably in a day or two.

Any idea about my "position" problem, i.e. if the click position is close to the edge of the screen the tip will show off the screen.

Have you done/seen any code which attempts to compensate for this by moving the tip up/down/left/right based on where the mouse pointer is - obviously it would be really nice if the STT does this "automagically".


Any idea about my "position" problem, i.e. if the click position is close to the edge of the screen the tip will show off the screen.

Have you done/seen any code which attempts to compensate for this by moving the tip up/down/left/right based on where the mouse pointer is - obviously it would be really nice if the STT does this "automagically".

Will do after I did some more testing on it - probably in a day or two.
wx.PopupWindow.Position looks like it is doing what I want but I can't figure out the right values to feed it.

Works nicely in the wxPython demo but I the following don't work:

        pos = tip.ClientToScreen( (0, 0) )
## pos = tip.ClientToScreen( tip.GetParent().GetPosition() )
        tip.Position(pos, tip.GetBestSize())

Above is always too far down or up and too much to the right.

Anyone sees what I am doing wrong here?

I think I got it was using the wrong control on some of the calls. Now have this:

         # adjust position of tip based on available space
         # only available with wx.PopupWindow on MSW
         if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
             pos = self.ClientToScreen((0, 0))
             self.tip._superToolTip.Position(pos, self.tip._superToolTip.GetSize())

Which is better, but it puts the tip further away from the actual mouseclick then is necessary and sometimes it overlaps the area/cell clicked not ideal.

Has anyone else used PopupWindow.Position and is it working as you expect?


P.S. my current DoShowNow is the following:

     def DoShowNow(self):
         """ Create the L{SuperToolTip} immediately. """

         if self._superToolTip:
             # need to destroy it if already exists,
             # otherwise we might end up with many of them

         tip = ToolTipWindow(self._widget, self)
         self._superToolTip = tip

         # need to stop this, otherwise we get into trouble when leaving the window

         if self.GetUseFade():



On 09/06/2010 15:43, werner wrote:

it seems, that your task might be far more complex, but just in case,
you would find it useful, I tried something similar with emulating
tooltips for longer captions in docked panes of aui. The whole
approach is a bit hackish, but the positioning of the tooltips near
the screen edges seems to work ok (sorry for the messy code sample).

I just used wx.PopupWindow with wx.StaticText;
for potentially offscreen popups, I only aligned them with left or
right screen border (wrapping isn't implemented)
("self" is the subclass of wx.PopupWindow; "pos" is the top left edge
of the popup to be displayed)

        coord_x, coord_y = pos
        if (self.GetSize()[0] + coord_x) > wx.GetDisplaySize()[0]: #
popup (partly) outside the screen
            coord_x = wx.GetDisplaySize()[0] - self.GetSize()[0] #
align a longer popup with right margin
        if coord_x < 0:
            coord_x = 0 # align with a left margin if the popup is
longer than the screen width # wrapping not implemented
        self.SetPosition((coord_x, coord_y))



2010/6/9 werner <>:

On 09/06/2010 15:43, werner wrote:

Any idea about my "position" problem, i.e. if the click position is close
to the edge of the screen the tip will show off the screen.

Have you done/seen any code which attempts to compensate for this by
moving the tip up/down/left/right based on where the mouse pointer is -
obviously it would be really nice if the STT does this "automagically".

Will do after I did some more testing on it - probably in a day or two.
wx.PopupWindow.Position looks like it is doing what I want but I can't
figure out the right values to feed it.

Works nicely in the wxPython demo but I the following don't work:

   pos = tip\.ClientToScreen\( \(0, 0\) \)

## pos = tip.ClientToScreen( tip.GetParent().GetPosition() )
tip.Position(pos, tip.GetBestSize())

Above is always too far down or up and too much to the right.

Anyone sees what I am doing wrong here?

I think I got it was using the wrong control on some of the calls. Now have

   \# adjust position of tip based on available space
   \# only available with wx\.PopupWindow on MSW
   if wx\.Platform == &quot;\_\_WXMSW\_\_&quot;:
       pos = self\.ClientToScreen\(\(0, 0\)\)


Which is better, but it puts the tip further away from the actual mouseclick
then is necessary and sometimes it overlaps the area/cell clicked not ideal.

Has anyone else used PopupWindow.Position and is it working as you expect?


P.S. my current DoShowNow is the following:

def DoShowNow(self):
""" Create the L{SuperToolTip} immediately. """

   if self\.\_superToolTip:
       \# need to destroy it if already exists,
       \# otherwise we might end up with many of them

   tip = ToolTipWindow\(self\.\_widget, self\)
   self\.\_superToolTip = tip

   \# need to stop this, otherwise we get into trouble when leaving the


   if self\.GetUseFade\(\):


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On 10/06/2010 00:12, Vlastimil Brom wrote:

2010/6/9 werner<>:

On 09/06/2010 15:43, werner wrote:

Any idea about my "position" problem, i.e. if the click position is close
to the edge of the screen the tip will show off the screen.

Have you done/seen any code which attempts to compensate for this by
moving the tip up/down/left/right based on where the mouse pointer is -
obviously it would be really nice if the STT does this "automagically".

Will do after I did some more testing on it - probably in a day or two.
wx.PopupWindow.Position looks like it is doing what I want but I can't
figure out the right values to feed it.

Works nicely in the wxPython demo but I the following don't work:

        pos = tip.ClientToScreen( (0, 0) )
## pos = tip.ClientToScreen( tip.GetParent().GetPosition() )
        tip.Position(pos, tip.GetBestSize())

Above is always too far down or up and too much to the right.

Anyone sees what I am doing wrong here?

I think I got it was using the wrong control on some of the calls. Now have

        # adjust position of tip based on available space
        # only available with wx.PopupWindow on MSW
        if wx.Platform == "__WXMSW__":
            pos = self.ClientToScreen((0, 0))

Which is better, but it puts the tip further away from the actual mouseclick
then is necessary and sometimes it overlaps the area/cell clicked not ideal.

Has anyone else used PopupWindow.Position and is it working as you expect?


P.S. my current DoShowNow is the following:

    def DoShowNow(self):
        """ Create the L{SuperToolTip} immediately. """

        if self._superToolTip:
            # need to destroy it if already exists,
            # otherwise we might end up with many of them

        tip = ToolTipWindow(self._widget, self)
        self._superToolTip = tip

        # need to stop this, otherwise we get into trouble when leaving the

        if self.GetUseFade():


To unsubscribe, send email to
or visit

it seems, that your task might be far more complex, but just in case,
you would find it useful, I tried something similar with emulating
tooltips for longer captions in docked panes of aui. The whole
approach is a bit hackish, but the positioning of the tooltips near
the screen edges seems to work ok (sorry for the messy code sample).

I just used wx.PopupWindow with wx.StaticText;
for potentially offscreen popups, I only aligned them with left or
right screen border (wrapping isn't implemented)
("self" is the subclass of wx.PopupWindow; "pos" is the top left edge
of the popup to be displayed)

         coord_x, coord_y = pos
         if (self.GetSize()[0] + coord_x)> wx.GetDisplaySize()[0]: #
popup (partly) outside the screen
             coord_x = wx.GetDisplaySize()[0] - self.GetSize()[0] #
align a longer popup with right margin
         if coord_x< 0:
             coord_x = 0 # align with a left margin if the popup is
longer than the screen width # wrapping not implemented
         self.SetPosition((coord_x, coord_y))


It definitely looks like wx.PopupWindow.Position should do the trick as it works for STT on e.g. a button, so it must be me not "feeding" it the right values when using it for a grid cell.

Attached is the proposed patch for the wx.lib.agw.supertooltip and I created a little sample application to show my problem which is also attached.

If you run the sample app somewhere in the middle of your screen and click on button 1 you see a standard PopupWindows just below the button, the same with button 2 but it uses STT. Now if you move the whole frame to the right edge of your screen and click either button it shows on the left of the button.

My problem is with the grid, click on a cell when the frame is in the middle of your screen, the STT shows below right (but too far below), if you shift it over to the right edge it will show below left but still to far below.

Hopefully someone can see what I am doing wrong and put me right.


supertooltip.patch (1.23 KB) (6.22 KB)


On 09/06/2010 19:53, werner wrote:

On 09/06/2010 15:43, werner wrote:

Any idea about my "position" problem, i.e. if the click position is close to the edge of the screen the tip will show off the screen.

Have you done/seen any code which attempts to compensate for this by moving the tip up/down/left/right based on where the mouse pointer is - obviously it would be really nice if the STT does this "automagically".

Will do after I did some more testing on it - probably in a day or two.
wx.PopupWindow.Position looks like it is doing what I want but I can't figure out the right values to feed it.

Are you using the grid or grid.GetGridWindow() for calling ClientToScreen?


On 6/10/10 3:51 AM, werner wrote:

It definitely looks like wx.PopupWindow.Position should do the trick as
it works for STT on e.g. a button, so it must be me not "feeding" it the
right values when using it for a grid cell.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman

Hi Andrea,

supertooltip.patch (1.58 KB)


On 09/06/2010 13:33, Andrea Gavana wrote:

Hi Werner,

On 8 June 2010 21:54, werner wrote:


On 08/06/2010 20:08, Mike Driscoll wrote:


Just curious, but why are you calling it SST? Doesn't STT make more

You are absolutely right, either the finger got stuck or brain was switched
off for a moment or two :slight_smile: .

Please feel free to submit a patch, it seems to me that the code you
posted will be fine so I'll apply it straight away in SVN.

Attached is my proposed patch for STT, note that I also added a GetTipWindow as otherwise I had to do stt._supertooltip.position to be able to reposition the windows based on screen position.


The grid.

With lots of trial and error I got to a solution which works for me pretty well. Pretty well as I would have liked to align it with the lower left edge of the clicked cell, currently it is shown below the cell clicked at the horizontal position within is defined by the where one clicked in the cell (which is what STT uses for the original position).

     def OnRackGridGridCellLeftClick(self, event):
         obj = event.GetEventObject()
         celPos = event.GetPosition()
         rowSize = obj.GetRowSize(row)


On 10/06/2010 18:36, Robin Dunn wrote:

On 6/10/10 3:51 AM, werner wrote:

It definitely looks like wx.PopupWindow.Position should do the trick as
it works for STT on e.g. a button, so it must be me not "feeding" it the
right values when using it for a grid cell.

Are you using the grid or grid.GetGridWindow() for calling ClientToScreen?


         # adjust to show the tip below the cell clicked
         pos = obj.ClientToScreen( (celPos[0], celPos[1]+rowSize) )
         self.gtip.GetTipWindow().Position(pos, (0, 0))



It looks like this patch never got applied.

Can't remember if I should have confirmed to you that it is fine/works for me.

I just did it again against the current trunk, it would be great if you could apply it - assuming you still agree with it.

Thanks and best regards

supertooltip2.patch (1.44 KB)

Hi Werner,


It looks like this patch never got applied.

Can't remember if I should have confirmed to you that it is fine/works for

I just did it again against the current trunk, it would be great if you
could apply it - assuming you still agree with it.

Patch applied in SVN, at revision 65158. Thank you for the patch!


"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."

==> Never *EVER* use RemovalGroup for your house removal. You'll
regret it forever.
The Doomed City: Removal Group: the nightmare <==


On 2 August 2010 12:38, werner wrote:

Thanks a lot


On 02/08/2010 22:11, Andrea Gavana wrote:

Hi Werner,

On 2 August 2010 12:38, werner wrote:


It looks like this patch never got applied.

Can't remember if I should have confirmed to you that it is fine/works for

I just did it again against the current trunk, it would be great if you
could apply it - assuming you still agree with it.

Patch applied in SVN, at revision 65158. Thank you for the patch!