agw aui save then load perspective issues

Hi All,

I have just started playing with the agw version of aui (most recent
svn version) - and must say that it is very nice, however, I seem to
be having issues using perspectives.

While testing my test app (code below), I have found 2 situations,
both related to perspective restoration, that I had not expected.

I'm using besides the
wxpthon2.8.10.1 (msw-unicode)

My test app has 4 panes and if I
1 minimize a pane
2 save a perspective
3 close my app
4 restart my app
5 load the perspective
I find the minimized pane is hidden (as one would expect) but the
minimized icon created when it was minimized is not restored.

I've been poking about a bit and the problem seem to be that while
loading the perspective the AuiManager code checks to see if a window
exists for each pane entry in the perspective file and there is none
for the minimized icon because my code only made windows for the
components it knows about. The code then just ignores the information
about the minimized icon stuff and carries on.

I have found another issue that is probably related. It occurs using
the same test application. if I
1 drag a pane over to another pane and dock it so a notebook is
spontaneously created with the panes as pages
2 save the perspective
3 close the app
4 restart app
5 reload perspective
I find that the pane that was dragged is missing

Is this behavior expected and if so is, there a standard way to do
things correctly so that I don't lose panes?

If the behavior is aberrant, is there a design strategy that would
dictate who, when and where the missing frames should be created? I
ask so that if I do any patching I can do it more or less correctly.



import wx
#import wx.aui
import sys
from agw import aui

import pickle
id_paramsPanel = wx.NewId()

class TopFrame(wx.Frame):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kargs):
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kargs)
        self.lastProspective =None
        self.subPanels =[]
        self.layoutDetails = self.getLayoutDetails()

    def setup(self):
        self.manager = aui.AuiManager()
        self.manager.SetDockSizeConstraint(0.5, 0.5)
        self.prospectives =[]

        #make panel1
        self.paramsPanel = paramsPanel = self.makeParamsPanel()

        paramsPanelInfo = aui.AuiPaneInfo()
        paramsPanelInfo.Caption('params report')

        self.manager.AddPane(paramsPanel, paramsPanelInfo)

        self.infoPanel1 = infoPanel1 = self.makeInfoPanel1()

        infoPanel1Info = aui.AuiPaneInfo()
        infoPanel1Info.Caption('info report')

        self.manager.AddPane(infoPanel1, infoPanel1Info)

        self.infoPanel2 = infoPanel2 = self.makeInfoPanel2()

        infoPanel2Info = aui.AuiPaneInfo()
        infoPanel2Info.Caption('info report 2')

        self.manager.AddPane(infoPanel2, infoPanel2Info)

        self.infoPanel3 = infoPanel3 = self.makeInfoPanel3()

        infoPanel3Info = aui.AuiPaneInfo()
        infoPanel3Info.Caption('info report 3')

        self.manager.AddPane(infoPanel3, infoPanel3Info)

    def setupEvents(self):
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.onClose)

    def getLayoutDetails(self):
        screenCount = wx.Display.GetCount()
        screenId = wx.Display.GetFromWindow(self)

        dimensionRect = self.GetScreenRect()
        frameMaxed = self.IsMaximized()
        for aPane in self.manager.GetAllPanes():
            if aPane.IsMaximized() and != 'params':
                save =False
        if save:
            closingLayout = self.manager.SavePerspective()
            closingLayout = self.lastProspective

        screenDetails = {"screenCount" : screenCount,
                         "screenId" : screenId,
                         "frameRect" : dimensionRect,
                         'frameMaximized' : frameMaxed,
                         'layout' : closingLayout

        return screenDetails

    def storeLayout(self, details):
        # details = self.panel.getLayOutDetails()
            fh = open('layout', 'w')
            pickle.dump( details, fh)
            pass # should log problem

    def retrieveLayout(self):
        details ={}
            fh = open('layout', 'r')
            details = pickle.load(fh)

            pass # should log problem
        return details

    def setLayoutDetails(self, details):
        priorLocation =False
        oldPositionX = -1
        oldPositionY = -1
        oldWidth = -1
        oldHeight = -1

        if 'frameRect' in details.keys():
            priorLocation =True
            dimensionRect = details['frameRect']
            oldPositionX = dimensionRect.x
            oldPositionY = dimensionRect.Y
            oldWidth = dimensionRect.width
            oldHeight = dimensionRect.height

        oldMaximized =False
        if 'frameMaximized' in details.keys():
            oldMaximized = details['frameMaximized']

        screens =[]
        screenCount = wx.Display.GetCount()
        done =False
        if oldMaximized:
            if 'screenId' in details.keys():
                screenId = details['screenId']
                if screenId >=0 and screenId <screenCount:
                    aDisplay = wx.Display(screenId)
                    dimensions = aDisplay.GetClientArea()
                    frameWidth = int(dimensions.width * 0.7)
                    dx = int(dimensions.width * 0.2/2)
                    frameHeight = int(dimensions.height * 0.7)
                    dy= int( dimensions.height * 0.2/2)
+dx,frameWidth, frameHeight)

                    done =True

        elif oldPositionX ==-3200 and oldPositionY ==-3200:

            for i in range(screenCount):
                aDisplay = wx.Display(i)
                clientDimension = aDisplay.GetClientArea()
                totalDimension = aDisplay.GetGeometry()
                screens.append([clientDimension, totalDimension])
                if oldPositionX >= clientDimension.x and \
                   oldPositionX < clientDimension.x
+clientDimension.width and \
                   oldPositionY >= clientDimension.y and \
                   oldPositionY < clientDimension.y

self.SetDimensions(oldPositionX ,oldPositionY,oldWidth , oldHeight)
                    done = True

        minWidth = minHeight =50

        if not done:
            width = height = None
            if oldHeight >= minHeight and oldWidth >= minWidth:
                height =int(oldHeight)
                width = oldWidth
            self.defaultLayout(width, height)

        if 'layout' in details.keys():
            priorLayout = details['layout']
            if priorLayout !=None:

    def onClose(self, evt):
        if self.IsIconized():
            details = self.layoutDetails
            details = self.getLayoutDetails()


        del self.manager

    def defaultLayout(self, frameWidth =None,frameHeight =None):
        displayCount = wx.Display.GetCount()
        dimensions =wx.Rect(0, 0, 600,800)
        if displayCount >0: # what should we do if we don't have a
            for i in range(displayCount):
                aDisplay = wx.Display(i)
                dims = aDisplay.GetClientArea()
                if dims.x ==0 and dims.y ==0:
                    principleDisplay = i
                    dimensions = dims
        if frameWidth==None:
            frameWidth = int(dimensions.width * 0.7)
        dx = int(dimensions.width * 0.2/2)
        if frameHeight ==None:
            frameHeight = int(dimensions.height * 0.7)
        dy= int( dimensions.height * 0.2/2)


    def setLayout(self):
        details = self.retrieveLayout()
        if details =={}:

    def makeParamsPanel(self):
        notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1,size=(400,400))
        page1 = wx.TextCtrl(notebook,-1, "params_page1" )
        notebook.AddPage(page1,"Look here")
        page2 = wx.TextCtrl(notebook,-1, "params_test2")
        notebook.AddPage(page2,"Look there")
        return notebook

    def makeInfoPanel1(self):
        notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1,size= (400,200))
        page1 = wx.TextCtrl(notebook,-1, "info1_page1")
        notebook.AddPage(page1,"Go ")
        page2 = wx.TextCtrl(notebook,-1, "info1_page2")
        return notebook

    def makeInfoPanel2(self):
        notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1,size= (400,400))
        page1 = wx.TextCtrl(notebook,-1, "info2_page1")
        page2 = wx.TextCtrl(notebook,-1, "info2_page2")
        return notebook

    def makeInfoPanel3(self):
        notebook = wx.Notebook(self, -1,size= (400,400))
        page1 = wx.TextCtrl(notebook,-1, "info3_page1")
        page2 = wx.TextCtrl(notebook,-1, "info3_page2")
        return notebook

def main():
    theApp = wx.App()
    topFrame =TopFrame(None, -1, size= wx.Size(800, 600))

if __name__=="__main__":

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Hi All,

I have just started playing with the agw version of aui (most recent
svn version) - and must say that it is very nice, however, I seem to
be having issues using perspectives.

While testing my test app (code below), I have found 2 situations,
both related to perspective restoration, that I had not expected.

I'm using besides the
wxpthon2.8.10.1 (msw-unicode)

My test app has 4 panes and if I
1 minimize a pane
2 save a perspective
3 close my app
4 restart my app
5 load the perspective
I find the minimized pane is hidden (as one would expect) but the
minimized icon created when it was minimized is not restored.

I've been poking about a bit and the problem seem to be that while
loading the perspective the AuiManager code checks to see if a window
exists for each pane entry in the perspective file and there is none
for the minimized icon because my code only made windows for the
components it knows about. The code then just ignores the information
about the minimized icon stuff and carries on.

I have found another issue that is probably related. It occurs using
the same test application. if I
1 drag a pane over to another pane and dock it so a notebook is
spontaneously created with the panes as pages
2 save the perspective
3 close the app
4 restart app
5 reload perspective
I find that the pane that was dragged is missing

Is this behavior expected and if so is, there a standard way to do
things correctly so that I don't lose panes?

If the behavior is aberrant, is there a design strategy that would
dictate who, when and where the missing frames should be created? I
ask so that if I do any patching I can do it more or less correctly.

These sound like bugs to me. Unfortunately, I currently have very
little time to look into this (up to next month, I believe), but if
you would like to create a patch it would be more than welcome.


"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."

==> Never *EVER* use RemovalGroup for your house removal. You'll
regret it forever.
The Doomed City: Removal Group: the nightmare <==


On 6 May 2010 15:53, DomB wrote:

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Hi Andrea,

I'll see if I can find time to create a patch - are there any specs or
thoughts archived anywhere on how agw/aui should handle automatically
generated items? Rather than just crow bar some thing in, I'd prefer
to do the right thing.



On May 7, 4:08 pm, Andrea Gavana <> wrote:


On 6 May 2010 15:53, DomB wrote:

> Hi All,

> I have just started playing with the agw version of aui (most recent
> svn version) - and must say that it is very nice, however, I seem to
> be having issues using perspectives.

> While testing my test app (code below), I have found 2 situations,
> both related to perspective restoration, that I had not expected.

> I'm using besides the
> python2.5.4
> wxpthon2.8.10.1 (msw-unicode)

> My test app has 4 panes and if I
> 1 minimize a pane
> 2 save a perspective
> 3 close my app
> 4 restart my app
> 5 load the perspective
> I find the minimized pane is hidden (as one would expect) but the
> minimized icon created when it was minimized is not restored.

> I've been poking about a bit and the problem seem to be that while
> loading the perspective the AuiManager code checks to see if a window
> exists for each pane entry in the perspective file and there is none
> for the minimized icon because my code only made windows for the
> components it knows about. The code then just ignores the information
> about the minimized icon stuff and carries on.

> I have found another issue that is probably related. It occurs using
> the same test application. if I
> 1 drag a pane over to another pane and dock it so a notebook is
> spontaneously created with the panes as pages
> 2 save the perspective
> 3 close the app
> 4 restart app
> 5 reload perspective
> I find that the pane that was dragged is missing

> Is this behavior expected and if so is, there a standard way to do
> things correctly so that I don't lose panes?

> If the behavior is aberrant, is there a design strategy that would
> dictate who, when and where the missing frames should be created? I
> ask so that if I do any patching I can do it more or less correctly.

These sound like bugs to me. Unfortunately, I currently have very
little time to look into this (up to next month, I believe), but if
you would like to create a patch it would be more than welcome.


"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."

==> Never *EVER* use RemovalGroup for your house removal. You'll
regret it forever.;==

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