AGW (AUI) Bugs/Misbehaviours

Hi All,

   I have seen quite a few messages showing bugs/misbehaviours of
wx.lib.agw.aui. I apologize for the late reply, I was on holiday;
unfortunately, I am currently the only reservoir engineer left in my
office (I mean, the only one not on holiday) out of 5, and I am
overwhelmed by work.

As I am quickly losing track of the mails reporting bugs in the AGW
library, I would like to ask those users who reported them to enter a
bug report in the wxTrac:

Please specify that the bug is wxPython/AGW-related and assign it to
me, if you wish. Please also attach a small runnable sample which
demonstrates the problem.

If you can, please do try and make an effort to provide a patch, or to
identify where the problem lies so that I can fix the bugs in a
quicker way.

Thank you.


"Imagination Is The Only Weapon In The War Against Reality."