addressing unkown numbers of fields


I've got the following problem: I have a list of data from a parent frame (e.g. simple text) and want to open a dialog displaying TextCtrl-fields containing those text entries plus one more empty TextCtrl-field. The user should be able to see all those old entries and make a new one.
Expressed in pseudocode a part of the dialog looks like:
for item in
  box = wx.TextCtrl(self,-1,item,size=wx.DefaultSize)
#and now the empty one:
box = wx.TextCtrl(self,-1,"",size=wx.DefaultSize)

Very nice, everything gets displayed. But how can I read out those data again? Or how can I avoid naming everything "box" in order address every box individually? should be a short list of arbitrary length. Using TextCtrl is just for the example, of course.

Thank a lot in advance for every hint I might get.