Hi All,
I am getting errors on application crash log
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “gui\mainFrame.pyc”, line 3907, in OnAdvSearchBtnButton
File “gui\wxDialogAdvSearch.pyc”, line 10, in create
File “gui\wxDialogAdvSearch.pyc”, line 157, in init
File “gui\wxDialogAdvSearch.pyc”, line 164, in setCurrentOfficeDetails
File “gui\wxDialogAdvSearch.pyc”, line 179, in _populateCategoryList
TypeError: iteration over non-sequence
is it possible to add timestamp to these logs…
And what the best way of handling iteration over non-sequence
for item in sequence:
print item
except TypeError:
print e
Thomas Thomas
phone +64 7 855 8478
fax +64 7 855 8871
Yep.. You could try looking at sys.excepthook --- the interpreter
calls this whenever it hits an uncaught exception. Maybe at a basic
On 20/07/06, Thomas Thomas <thomas@eforms.co.nz> wrote:
I am getting errors on application crash log
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "gui\mainFrame.pyc", line 3907, in OnAdvSearchBtnButton
File "gui\wxDialogAdvSearch.pyc", line 10, in create
File "gui\wxDialogAdvSearch.pyc", line 157, in __init__
File "gui\wxDialogAdvSearch.pyc", line 164, in setCurrentOfficeDetails
File "gui\wxDialogAdvSearch.pyc", line 179, in _populateCategoryList
TypeError: iteration over non-sequence
is it possible to add timestamp to these logs..
# Put this code somewhere in your app initialisation code.
# Untested!
import sys
import datetime
_excepthook = sys.excepthook
def myExceptHook(type, value, traceback):
print datetime.datetime.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
_excepthook(type, value, traceback)
sys.excepthook = myExceptHook
sys.excepthook is documented here: sys — System-specific parameters and functions — Python 3.13.0 documentation.
Also check the Python Cookbook
(ActiveState Community - Boosting coder and team productivity with ready-to-use open source languages and tools.); there are several
recipes dealing with exception handling and printing trackbacks.