Add an "About" button to wx.wizard.wizardpage


Hi there,

I'm new to wx.python and GUI programming in general and I have a question I can't seem to find an answer for. I'm trying to build a basic wizard based UI dialogue to walk a user through a couple of configuration details. I am able to use code examples and build a simple 3 page wizard by subclassing wx.wizard.PyWizardPage without a problem, but I want to add an "About" button on the same lower panel where the next, back and finish buttons are. I know I could add something to the panel above it - and even disable the next, back or finish buttons, but I couldnt find a way to add a new button.

Is that possible?



The short answer is "not really". As far as I can tell, the wizard only has a few default buttons and they are (for all intents and purposes) hard-coded. Since this is open-source, you could modify the the wizard to allow this sort of thing, write a patch to allow it, or make your own wizard. The latter would probably be easiest as all you really need are a set of panels that you show or hide as you click the Next and Prev buttons.

FYI: I may be mistaken, in which case one of the others will slap me and give you a different answer. It happens from time to time.

Welcome to wxPython, by the way!


Mike Driscoll

Python Extension Building Network: