Access to run a tool_bar's Items of a program from another program written in wx.python code


I am trying to
build a new tool, by combining tree program. One program that i developed it,
is in java. The second one that i developed is in wx.python. moreover, i don’t have the source code of the third program(i.e.SV), just i am able to run it.

I’ve been able
to call the both SV tools and Java program, from a method in wx.python source
code. So, the java program will be run first, then SV program, and at the last
the result from the SV program will be verified. But the user should do the last process by clicking on Items in ‘SV’ tool bar.

Normally, the verification process will be continued by choosing one option from menu items within
SV toolbar, there user must click
on*“verify all”* to perform the verification task*,* then it works
fine. Then he can observe how the
result are.

Howover, now i need to make this task as Automatic as
possible, since i need to do experiments with so many inputs to the tools. Such that, Instead
of clicking on the menu that runs the verification task (i.e. Verify ), it should
perform the verification task automatically without interferring the user!

The question is
how to launch or perform this execution by writting in wx.python code?

Can we call
something which would act as clicking on the menu items with in another

Thank you in advance!


Hi Massoud,


I am trying to build a new tool, by combining tree program. One program
that i developed it, is in java. The second one that i developed is in
wx.python. moreover, i don’t have the source code of the third program(
i.e.SV), just i am able to run it.

I've been able to call the both SV tools and Java program, from a method in
wx.python source code. So, the java program will be run first, then SV
program, and at the last the result from the SV program will be verified.
But the user should do the last process by clicking on Items in 'SV' tool

Normally, the verification process will be continued by choosing one option
from menu items within SV toolbar, there user must click on*“verify all” *to
perform the verification task*,** *then it works fine. Then he can observe
how the result are.

Howover, now i need to make this task as Automatic as possible, since i
need to do experiments with so many inputs to the tools. Such that, Instead
of clicking on the menu that runs the verification task (i.e. Verify ), it
should perform the verification task automatically without interferring the

The question is how to launch or perform this execution by writting in
wx.python code?

Can we call something which would act as clicking on the menu items with in
another program?

Thank you in advance!


If it's not something you've written, then you'll end up with some
pretty fragile instrumenting code. Does this tool have a COM interface
or some kind of official API? COM is slightly easier, although the
last would be best.

If you're on Windows, you might be able to hack at it with the PyWin32
package and/or SendKeys. It's a pain, but I've done a little
automation that way.


On Dec 11, 1:38 am, Massoud Alahdini <> wrote:

Mike Driscoll
