Accelerator shortcut calling bound method twice

I have an accelerator shortcut in a menu that is calling the method
bound to it twice. I'm running XP, with python 2.6, and wxpython
2.8. The method is also bound to a button. I can follow the series
of commands as I hit F1 (accelerator key) and process is passed to the
correct method. The method is exited and control is passed back to
the main loop and then control is immediately passed back to the
method. I don't know why the method is called twice. Thanks in
advance for any help.

Menu declaration part:
    def _init_coll_menuBar1_Menus(self, parent):
    # generated method, don't edit
        parent.Append(menu=self.menu1, title='Menu')

    def _init_coll_menu1_Items(self, parent):
        # generated method, don't edit

        parent.Append(help='', id=wxID_FRAME1MENU1ITEMS0,
        parent.Append(help='', id=wxID_FRAME1MENU1ITEMS1,
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnSubButtonButton,
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnMenu1Items1Menu,

    def _init_utils(self):
    # generated method, don't edit
        self.menuBar1 = wx.MenuBar()
        self.menu1 = wx.Menu(title='')

method called twice:
    def OnSubButtonButton(self, event):
        self.emailname = win32api.GetUserName()
        print self.myinit
        print 'getlabel=' + self.SubButton.GetLabel()
        print 'event=' + str(event)
        print 'event type = ' + str(wx.Event.GetEventType(event))
        print 'event object = ' + str(wx.Event.GetEventObject(event))
        if self.myinit: #set in _init function to
          print 'came to initialize myinit=' + str(self.myinit)
          adriver ='{SQL Server}'
          aserver =''
          adatabase ='wo_tracking_play'
          auid ='sa'
          apwd ='sa123IHS'
          self.conn = wolibmine.db_conxn(adriver, aserver, adatabase,
auid, apwd)
          self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
# self.conn = pyodbc.connect(driver=adriver, server=aserver,
database=adatabase, uid=auid, pwd=apwd, autocommit=True)
# self.cursor = self.conn.cursor()
          self.user, self.wo, self.wcat, self.proj = wolibmine.db_data
(self.cursor, self.emailname)
# self.user, self.wo, self.wcat, self.proj = wolibmine.db_data
(self.cursor, 'mkring')
# self.staticText1.SetLabel(self.user)
          self.SubButton.SetToolTipString('Hit me to add an entry with
the current values.')
            print 'else myinit = ' + str(self.myinit)
            wo, prj, wcat, date, time, stat = self.Get_Field_Values()
            if not self.EditBox.IsChecked():
                    cmd = wolibmine.insert_cmd(prj, wo, date, time,
self.user, wcat, stat)
                    wolibmine.SqlExec(self.cursor, cmd)
                    dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'An error occurred
while inserting into the database.', 'Error',
                      wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR)
                    dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'Insert Successful.
Click MyData to see your entries.', 'Success',
                    cmd = wolibmine.update_cmd(self.selected, [wo,
prj, wcat, date, time, stat], self.cols)
                    wolibmine.SqlExec(self.cursor, cmd)
                    dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'An error occurred
while updating the database.', 'Error',
                      wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR)
                    dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, 'Update Successful.
Click MyData to see your entries.', 'Success',
        print 'I came here first'
        self.myinit = False


I have an accelerator shortcut in a menu that is calling the method
bound to it twice. I'm running XP, with python 2.6, and wxpython
2.8. The method is also bound to a button. I can follow the series
of commands as I hit F1 (accelerator key) and process is passed to the
correct method. The method is exited and control is passed back to
the main loop and then control is immediately passed back to the
method. I don't know why the method is called twice. Thanks in
advance for any help.


method called twice:
   def OnSubButtonButton(self, event):

1) Its probably because you are calling Skip on the event when you shouldn't since your already handling it. You should only call skip if you want the event to continue to propagate.

2) Please do not copy and paste code into the email body (or worse google groups web interface) when its something that is more than a few lines as the formatting gets so messed up that its near impossible to read. (when I see this I usually just hit the delete key without reading. :wink: ), usually better to add an attachment.



On Aug 11, 2009, at 12:40 PM, roachfro wrote:

roachfro wrote:

I have an accelerator shortcut in a menu that is calling the method
bound to it twice. I'm running XP, with python 2.6, and wxpython
2.8. The method is also bound to a button. I can follow the series
of commands as I hit F1 (accelerator key) and process is passed to the
correct method. The method is exited and control is passed back to
the main loop and then control is immediately passed back to the
method. I don't know why the method is called twice. Thanks in
advance for any help.

Don't call event.Skip in the handler.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman