About customizing GridCellFloatRenderer

hello everybody, I would like to make a little customization of the
GridCellFloatRenderer: drawing a little mark in a corner depending on
the value of the cell. To avoid re-implementing the renderer myself
(managing locale formatting, precision and so on), I've thought it
would be convenient to subclass GridCellFloatRenderer

class MpsCellRenderer(gridlib.GridCellFloatRenderer):
    def __init__(self):
    def Draw(self, grid, attr, dc, rect, row, col,
        gridlib.GridCellFloatRenderer.Draw(self, grid, attr, dc, rect,
row, col, isSelected)
        print 'now draw in the cell corner'

but it looks as if my customized Draw method is never been called (the
GridCellFloatRenderer default one is used instead). Where am I going

thanks, Marco

Marco Prosperi wrote:

hello everybody, I would like to make a little customization of the
GridCellFloatRenderer: drawing a little mark in a corner depending on
the value of the cell. To avoid re-implementing the renderer myself
(managing locale formatting, precision and so on), I've thought it
would be convenient to subclass GridCellFloatRenderer

class MpsCellRenderer(gridlib.GridCellFloatRenderer):
    def __init__(self):
    def Draw(self, grid, attr, dc, rect, row, col,
        gridlib.GridCellFloatRenderer.Draw(self, grid, attr, dc, rect,
row, col, isSelected)
        print 'now draw in the cell corner'

but it looks as if my customized Draw method is never been called (the
GridCellFloatRenderer default one is used instead). Where am I going

See OverridingMethods - wxPyWiki

You'll need to implement a whole new renderer class derived from PyGridCellRenderer.


Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman