A wx.DatePickerCtrl with a customisable format

An update to Version 1.2 where the button is given Focus on creation.
Something obvious, which I missed :slight_smile:

minidatepicker.py (19.5 KB)

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New versions of:

New function SetButtonBitmap()
Allows a specified image to be used for the button
(also allows bitmap from wx.ArtProvider to be used)

New function SetButtonBitmapFocus()
Allow a specified image to be used for the button focus

minidatepicker.py (20.9 KB) minidatepickerbutton.py (20.2 KB)

Submit bugs, comments and insults on a postcard please :wink:

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I think there is a bug in minidatepickerbutton. The month drop down list doesn’t show up when you click on the month.


Hi Steve,
can you state your operating system and version of wx.Python.
Also, are you running minidatepickerbutton.py direct or calling it in your own code?
If your own code, can you create a mini version of it, to demonstrate the problem.
The issue doesn’t show up under Linux wx.Python 4.2.1 gtk3 and to be fair, once you are at that position in the code, it will be in wx.adv.GenericCalendarCtrl


I use Windows 10, python 3.11.4, wxpython 4.2.1.

Whether I run minidatepickerbutton.py directly or I call it in my own code, it behaves the same, the months drop down list doesn’t show up.

I really do think, this is an issue in wx.adv.GenericCalendarCtrl, of course I could be horribly wrong.
Could you lift the 2nd piece of code written by RichardT at:

and tell me if that works, just to test it using code written by some one else. (Cheers Richard)
I don’t have access to MS Windows, so I can’t replicate your problem.

The code is identical, I think, to minidatepicker.py which also calls wx.adv.GenericCalendarCtrl in a wx.PopupTransientWindow, so I would expect that to fail as well, if there’s a bug.

For the record I code on Linux Mint 20.3 - Python 3.8.10 - wxPython 4.2.1 gtk3 (phoenix) wxWidgets


I will try it, but let me tell you, the wx.adv.GenericCalendarCtrl works correctly in wxdemo in my system.

Hello Rolf,
Excellent bit of code. I am also experiencing the same issue as steve2, unfortunately. Any insight?

Good evening Rushin,

As I explained, I don’t have access to the Windows operating system and currently. I’m convinced it’s an issue with wx.adv.GenericCalendarCtrl or how I’m handling it, which doesn’t reveal itself on Linux.
My reasoning: that month selection process is within wx.adv.GenericCalendarCtrl not my code.

So I’m rather hoping that someone who does run Windows can get to the bottom of it or at least, report back if the 2 pieces of code I mentioned above, also fail or work without a glitch.

That would at least allow me to go through the code looking for any form of difference in the way I utilise wx.adv.GenericCalendarCtrl, within minidatepickerbutton.py

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Hi Rolf,

wx.adv.GenericCalendarCtrl works fine in wxpython demo (Windows 10, python 3.11.4, wxpython 4.2.1). Therefore I don’t think that wx.adv.GenericCalendarCtrl is buggy.

Morning Steve,
That isn’t really what I proposed, as I’d expect the demo to function, but it is what it is.

Try changing the method of month/year selection in the DemoFrame class to:


See if it behaves itself.

Screenshot at 2023-08-10 10-38-17

Rolf, this seems to work great in the demo. I’m going to implement it into my code and see if it cooperates.

Thanks for coming back to me Rushin.
I have dug into this issue with the month choice, in the choice drop down being blank, as reported by both yourself and Steve2 and I remain convinced it’s a glitch in the wxWidget itself.

The code https://github.com/wxWidgets/wxWidgets/blob/3ae3a4e1f519741132c51e5aa8f83d6f05174501/src/generic/calctrlg.cpp builds a wx.Choice of the month names and I see no way that I can influence that.

void wxGenericCalendarCtrl::CreateMonthChoice()
    m_choiceMonth = new wxChoice(GetParent(), wxID_ANY,
                                  0, nullptr);

    wxDateTime::Month m;
    for ( m = wxDateTime::Jan; m < wxDateTime::Inv_Month; wxNextMonth(m) )
        m_choiceMonth->Append(wxDateTime::GetMonthName(m, wxDateTime::NameForm().Full().Standalone()));


    m_choiceMonth->Bind(wxEVT_CHOICE, &wxGenericCalendarCtrl::OnMonthChange, this);

In the above for ... loop my understanding is that Jan is 0 and Inv_Month is 12 (as defined in wx.DateTime), so I fail to see how that can go wrong.

So quirks aside, on Windows OS, it seems that for the moment, running with the style wx.adv.CAL_SEQUENTIAL_MONTH_SELECTION is the best option.

I’ve noticed that a commit was made to calctrlg.cpp on May 31 which changed the values used for the month names in CreateMonthChoice().

See: Use correct calendar names form in wxGenericCalendarCtrl · wxWidgets/wxWidgets@36f06bf · GitHub

I haven’t been able to tell if the later version has been incorporated in wxPython yet, or whether wxPython is still using the previous version.

EDIT: wxPython 4.2.1 uses wxWidgets which (according to GitHub) was released Feb 13.

Therefore, wxPython must be using the version from before the commit was made.

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A request to @steve2 and @Rushin
For the purposes of trying to tie down the bug, which I can’t replicate, it would be interesting to know if using minidatepickerbutton.py or minidatepicker.py without wx.adv.CAL_SEQUENTIAL_MONTH_SELECTION, whether you can change the month with the keyboard i.e. the up/down arrow keys and the PageUp/PageDown keys.

The reason:
It would test if the month is populated properly and tie the error down to the EVT_CHOICE not being fired on the m_choiceMonth widget, however unlikely that seems.

The changes made to calctrlg.cpp appear to be related displaying month names in different languages. This made me wonder if the issue on Windows is related to locale.

@steve2 has said that the example in the wxPython demo does work correctly. I remembered that the demo explicitly sets a locale in its Main.py module:

    def InitLocale(self):
        self._locale = wx.Locale(wx.LANGUAGE_ENGLISH)

I wonder if doing something similar with minidatepickerbutton.py might help?

I can’t test it myself as I don’t have any Windows PCs.

As an aside @RichardT, I particularly liked your highlighting code in the code sample you left in https://github.com/wxWidgets/Phoenix/issues/2073

In the current unpublished version of minidatepicker and minidatepickerbutton, I’ve used that dictionary method, as inspiration to provide functions to mark holidays, mark specific dates which aren’t holidays, create notes that can be displayed with a Right Click and Restrict dates, making only defined dates and or days selectable.

I do hope you don’t mind but inspiration is inspiration! :smile:

Hi Rolf,

I tried:

    self.calendar = wx.adv.GenericCalendarCtrl(self, -1, wx.DateTime().Today(),
                              style = wx.adv.CAL_SHOW_HOLIDAYS
                                    | wx.adv.CAL_SUNDAY_FIRST)

But it has the same problem, months drop down list doesn’t show up.

Thanks for coming back to me @steve2.
I’m assuming that’s in some standalone code of your own. If so, then it is in fact a bug, that’s worked its way into the MS Windows version of the code.
I guess the answer for now, on Windows, is to use the wx.adv.CAL_SEQUENTIAL_MONTH_SELECTION
Out of interest, did you check @RichardT 's suggestion, about setting a locale?

I’ve got a new version, I’m just about fed up to the backteeth with, testing wise, usually a sign to release it :slight_smile: so if the dropdown month selection is something I can do nothing about, I’d like to get it out and stop torturing myself with it. :wink:


Hi Rolf,

Regarding @RichardT 's suggestion, I don’t exactly know how to set locale explicitly. However, in the demo I commented out the following lines:

    def InitLocale(self):
        self._locale = wx.Locale(wx.LANGUAGE_ENGLISH)

and the months drop down list showed up anyway. So I don’t think it might be related to it.

I also tried adding the following line in my code (I don’t know if it’s the correct way of setting a locale), but it didn’t fix the problem either:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app = wx.App()
    frame = DemoFrame(None)