A few bugs in StyledTextControl under Linux: Copy/Paste, hidden cursor

Just a small update on this, but I've now installed Ubuntu on the
machine that originally had Kubuntu... and the hiding cursor problem
is back! I can't imagine why it works on one Ubuntu install and not on
the other. The only difference I can think of is that one is 64 bit
and one is regular Ubuntu. I don't really expect this helps solve the
problem, but I thought I should update.



On 9/6/06, Robin Dunn <robin@alldunn.com> wrote:

Dusty Phillips wrote:
>> > >> Finally, another distro-specific issue, the styledTextControl works
>> > >> fine for this bug under Arch Linux, but under Ubuntu Linux Dapper
>> > >> Drake release, the mouse cursor disappears whenever it is moving.
>> > >> Trying to highlight text is very difficult, you have to move the
>> > >> mouse, stop, wait for the cursor to show up so you know where it is,
>> > >> readjust, etc. Any idea what would cause this?
> I just tried on another Ubuntu computer, the problem seems to be
> Kubuntu specific, as its working fine under Gnome. When I get a
> chance, I'll try changing the theme in Kubuntu, I'm wondering if its a
> function of the gtk engine for qt or something arcane like that.