a button posts before it has been added


Why does a button post even if it has not been gbox.Added?
It posts in the upper left. I"m on a Mac running 10.5.




import wx, sys, os

class TestFrame(wx.Frame):

    def __init__(self, parent, id, title, size=(500,500)):
        self.parent = parent

        wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, wx.NewId(), title, size=(480, 380))
        _id_ = wx.NewId()

        self.operator = "Shem O. Wandiga"
        self.location = "Otjikondo, Etosha NP, Zambia"

        self.operator_tc = wx.TextCtrl(self, _id_, self.operator, size=(200, -1))
        self.location_tc = wx.TextCtrl(self, _id_, self.location, size=(200, -1))

        filter_btn_id = _id_
        filter_btn = wx.Button(self, filter_btn_id, 'Filter')

        rows = 2
        cols = 2
        gbox = wx.FlexGridSizer(rows, cols, 4, 4)

        gbox.Add(wx.StaticText(self, 200, "operator", size=(200, -1), style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT))
        gbox.Add(self.operator_tc, stretch, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE)

        gbox.Add(wx.StaticText(self, 201, "location", size=(200, -1), style=wx.ALIGN_RIGHT))
        gbox.Add(self.location_tc, stretch, wx.ALIGN_CENTRE)

        #gbox.Add(filter_btn) # xxx OUT. posts anyway...
        #gbox.Add(saveXML_btn) # xxx OUT


    def OnUpdateModel(self, event):
        print "<snip>"

    def OnFilter(self, event):
        import numpy as np
        #path = self.imagepath_tc.GetValue()
        path = "8bitchart01_small.tiff" # smack it
        if os.path.exists(path):
            image = wx.Image(path, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY)
            w, h = image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight()
            a = np.fromstring(image.GetData(), np.uint8)
            a.reshape(w, h, 3)

            """thanks to Stephan van der Walt"""
            RED, GRN, BLU = 0, 1, 2
            bluemask = (a[...,BLU] > fact*a[...,GRN]) & \
                       (a[...,BLU] > fact*a[...,RED])
            return np.array(bluemask.nonzero()).swapaxes(0,1).tolist()
            print "file not found..."

    def OnSaveXML(self, event):
        #print self.meta.getXML()
        print "<snip/>"

if __name__ == "__main__":

    app = wx.App()
    TestFrame(None, -1, 'MetadataPanel.py').Show(True)

paul taney wrote:


Why does a button post even if it has not been gbox.Added?
It posts in the upper left. I"m on a Mac running 10.5.



Because you have to position it. As far as I know, all widgets are shown by default upon creation. If you don't pass them a position or put them in a sizer, then they default to (0,0) or the upper left corner. If you do that with multiple widgets, then you'll get a stacked mess in the upper left corner.


Mike Driscoll

Blog: http://blog.pythonlibrary.org
Python Extension Building Network: http://www.pythonlibrary.org