1) Is there anyone using 2.7 with Python 2.5 that can please share
> some comments about it? Did you encounter any problem?
I'm toying with Python 2.7 and wxPython 2.7 at the same time.
Not too much problems, if I except the StyledTextCtrl, which
is not very unicode compliant. I reported about that in several
posts in wxPython-dev.
> The main thing to be aware of in the Unicode wxPython builds is that all
> wxString parameters or return values of the C++ methods or functions are
> expected to be Python Unicode objects, and are converted to Unicode if
> they are string objects. [...]
A small annoying point I encountered in wxPython-unicode, is that I
never know if I'm working with unicodes or str's, eg wx.VERSION_STRING
is a str and not an unicode. Maybe I fall on an exception.
> int: UTF-8 is a useful encoding because
> it can represent all of the Unicode character set in an 8-bit string,
> but it does this by using more than one byte for anything that is not in
> the basic ascii encoding. For example, run this in a unicode PyShell:
> >>> for x in range(256):
> ... u = unichr(x)
> ... print x, u, `u.encode('utf-8')`
Well, there is one exception to this. The euro currency symbol:
ANSI char: 128, but unicode code point: 0x20AC (8364 in base 10).
There is no doubt unicode is the way to go. However, I have sometimes
concerns and troubles with the utf-8 encoding. There are too many people,
who do not understand how utf-8 works.
I read once on the web something like this "unicode is excellent,
unfortunatelly Americans have transformed it into ascii2".
Even if dropping the ANSI build will make some users (including me)
unhappy, I think it is a good idea and it will globally be a benefit
for the wxPython community. Is a 2.7 release to early for this step?
I do not know. Why not making a poll on this list.
Jean-Michel Fauth, Switzerland