I'm testing wxPython 2.5.1p5 on WinXP, python 2.3.3.
I must say that the changes are great and most things looks good.
Just a few problems at this moment:
1. Listbook does not work with the XP gui.
The left panel with the icons just doesn't appear (or appear with cero width).
But it works great if I delete the manifest file.
Oops, I was about to say that it works okay here, but found that it does the same thing. I'll see if I can track it down, it's probably yet another incompatibility in MS's (@#!@#@#$%) themed controls...
2. wxListCtrl with wx.LC_VIRTUAL style isn't updated when I call SetItemCount.
I solved this calling DeletteAllItems() and then Calling SetItemCount, but with previous versions it wasn't necessary.
SetItemCount was changed to not refresh the display so that there is no flicker when it is called frequently (for example items are being appended to the list but are not visible.) If you call RefreshItems(start, end) after you do the SetItemCount then the visible items (between start and end) will be redrawn.
Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman http://wxPython.org Java give you jitters? Relax with wxPython!